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"Motherfucking Saga Continues"

"Motherfucking Saga Continues"

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"Ayesha Alexander please report to the principals office immediately." The whole math class in Ms. Jones room turns to Isha, "Oou." Majority of the class says.

I'm a good child what did I do?, Ayesha could hear her heart racing, maybe it's not important she hopes.

Every little step she made was causing her anxiety to increase as she turns the knob at his office, "Hello Ayesha, please sit we need to talk about your grades."

As she sits in front of him a look of confusion plasters on her face, "Grades? I thought I've met all of my requirements for graduation."

Principal Kane lifts up his glasses to the bridge of his nose, his eyes scans through her files while humming in response. "I'm very aware of that indeed that's why you are here, what if I tell you that you can graduate next month?"

Graduating early was like winning a lottery there's a one in a million chance of an opportunity.

Ayesha's jaw drops, "Are you serious? Like how?"

Without responding Kane hands a note with the words Top Smartest Students, Ayesha was third on the list, a small blush appears on her cheeks. "I-I don't know what to say when's the deadline?"

While stroking his chin in deep thought, "You have until next week to make up your mind, you may report back to class."

Mom and Dad will be so proud of me, Ayesha leaves the office while walking down the hallways of Ashorkie High.

Classes will soon change which leaves Ish with a free period, luckily school was close to ending.

Chad Alexander passes the corn around the dinner table, his brother Jaz was at football practice but his sisters Janiece, Maria and Ayesha were praying.

Him being the youngest was difficult, nobody asked him about his day since everyone is so busy with their lives, selfish much?

Mr. Alexander clinks his glass catching everyone's glance, "This is the first family meal in years, what's new with everyone let's go around the table shall we."

Ayesha nervously chews on bread, Maria clears her throat. "I've been promoted from my job you're now looking at the next CEO owner of nails."

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