I nodded and started to walk carefully to the castle with Star still in my arms.

"Don't worry Star. I'm right here and you'll get better, I promise." I whispered for only her to hear.
She seemed to have heard me because she smiled.

I looked at her face, studying it. 

Her hair was all over the side of her face, her lips were slightly parted. She seemed relaxed and she wasn't pale at least. Her eyes were obviously closed and her heart cheeks were still as pink as always. 

I looked ahead of us and saw the castle getting closer, luckily we weren't far away.

"So what do you guys think happened?" Pony started saying nervously.

"I don't know, but i'm bound to find out." Jackie answered determined.
"Same here." Tom responded.
I sighed, "Yeah... Me too."

The rest of the small walk was silent.

We made it to the castle gates and slowly Jackie began to open it. Thankfully it wasn't locked.

We walked through the the gates and made it to the door, this time Tom opened it. It wasn't locked also.

We walked into the castle and looked around, all dull and lonely.

"Let's go find a room. Not just any though,it has to have a few things so we can check her." Jackie informed.

We wall nodded our heads and started walking up the stairs case.

We looked around, opening doors or just looking at the cravings in the doors.

"Hey, is this good?" Pony questioned from the far away side of the hallway. We all turned to look at her and saw her entering a room.

We all looked at each other and went over to the door.

"Perfect." Jackie breathed out.

"Set her in that bed." She added. I set her on a bed carefully.

"Pony turn the lights on." Tom told her and she floated over and flipped the switch on.

I took a moment and looked around at the room.

It looked like all the others i've seen here, it even had a mirror. It was big that's for sure, but instead of having down everyday things, it looked like a clinic room with some machines and needles and other stuff.

Jackie got this tool, it looked like something that nurses and doctors got to take your temperature.

"Okay, I'm going to pass this over to make sure where the source of pain beside her head is coming from. Then i'm going to take this thing," She held some other tool up, "And see if it tells me what's wrong." She finished.
We all didn't answer just nodded our heads.

She started passing that temperature- looking-thingy over Star's whole body.

When she was done she looked at it and pressed a button.

"Okay, looks like the only part with big effect is indeed her head but her stomach has part of something that I still don't know what it is." She explained. She set that down and got the other thing. "Now this-" she got interrupted when the mirror started ringing.

We all looked at each other and looked back at the mirror to see it change and then we saw Moon's face on there.

She looked over at Tom, Pony, and I.

"Marco, where's my daughter?" She asked in a stern accent.

"Uhh-" I stuttered not knowing how to explain it.

"Well she- she um- kinda maybe... Passed out?" I squeaked out.
Her eyes widened.
"What do you mean she passed out? You know what, i'm heading over right now immediately."  And she hung up the call.

A portal opened in the room and in can Moon and River.

They both instantly rushed the bed and went beside their daughter.

"She must've found out." River said.
Moon sighed, "Of course. Because of it we must wait until she wakes up. Moon told River.
"She'll remember everything." River declared. Moon shook her head,

"She already knows everything.".

Us four looked at each other.

"What do you mean?" I decided to speak up.

They seemed to be shocked but then turned to look at us.

Moon sighed, "River and I gave Star a position to forget her times with that girl, Jackie," She started explaining.

"Yes, at night she would cry while sleeping whispering that girl's name. So we decided to make her forget her past with her." River added.

"And it was going absolutely great," Moon's head turned to look at Jackie, "But I guess somebody's told her and it caused all this... It's restoring her memory."

From the corner of my eye I saw Jackie look ashamed and even sadder then before.

"I-i'm sorry. I didn't know it would cause this. Heck, I wasn't thinking properly. I swear I wouldn't have done it, it wasn't my intention, if I would've known- " she sighed. " I wouldn't have don't it."

Moon held up a silencing hand.

"Hush no one knew it would happen. But we have your father roaming around and we have to wake up Star, even if she must rest from it, we must do it."


Another update!! Thank you for reading.

Sorry, I haven't updated in forever but I really wanna finish my Fanfic's before anything and it isn't going as planned as you have noticed.

I'm gonna try to update on Fridays or Saturdays so stay tuned.

Thank you again, bye!!

(I tried making it long for ya ;)

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