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Phil was nervous. He just confessed his feelings to his fake boyfriend- who he wanted to be his real boyfriend- and he left him on read. He was trembling to say the least, his right leg bouncing up and down viciously as he sat on his couch, his chest rising and falling as he left out a shaky breathe. Suddenly there was a knock on his door, he didn't want to move for a moment, but then he thought: what if it's dan? He quickly threw open his door, only to see a pizza man.

"Hello?" Phil said, it came out like more a question then a statement. 

"This was ordered for you- already paid for."

Phil may be on the verge of a panic attack, but he'd never turn down free food.

"Alright, thank you." He closed the door with his foot before taking the pizza inside his flat and setting it on the table. He opened the box to find some messy handwriting scribbled onto the inside of the box,

i'm at work but i like you too- xoxo dan

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