Rules & Regulations

Start from the beginning

3. WINNER SELECTION: Following the closing of the Contest, and using automated tools, Sponsor will initially screen all eligible Entries received for grammar and sentence structure, resulting in 10 semi-finalist Entries. On or about November 7, 2018, 10 finalist Entries will be selected by a panel of Sponsor staff members from all eligible semi-finalist Entries, based equally on creativity and originality (50% / 50%). Sponsor reserves the right to select fewer than 10 finalist Entries if, in its sole discretion, it does not receive a sufficient number of eligible and qualified Entries. The 10 finalist Entries will be sent to Prize Provider's judging panel to determine the potential "Prize Winner" (as defined below), based equally on creativity and originality (50% / 50 Judging scores will not be revealed. The decisions of judges are final.

4. WINNER NOTIFICATION/REQUIREMENTS: One (1) potential prize winner ("Prize Winner") will be selected by Prize Provider's judging panel on or about November 13, 2018.Sponsor or an agent of Sponsor will attempt to notify the potential Prize Winner by email or direct message on the Website within 48 hours of selection. Potential winners will be required to execute and return an affidavit of eligibility, a liability release and, where lawful, a publicity release within seven (7) days of date of issuance. If such documents are not returned within the specified time period, or in the case of any potential Prize Winner under 18 years of age, if such documents are not signed by the potential Prize Winner's parent or legal guardian, winner notification is returned as undeliverable, or a potential Prize Winner is not in compliance with these Official Rules, prize will be forfeited and, at Sponsor's discretion, a runner-up may be selected.

5. PUBLICITY GRANT: Entry in the Contest constitutes permission for Sponsor, Prize Provider and each of their respective designees to use Prize Winner's Entry, as well as Prize Winner's name, Website or other social media handle or other ID, biographical information, address (city and state) and likeness, for advertising and promotional purposes, in any manner, in any and all media now or hereafter devised, worldwide, in perpetuity, without further compensation, notification or permission, except where prohibited by law and as otherwise provided herein. The preceding expressly includes, without limitation, any video associated with any winning Entry.

6. PRIZES: A published article on Marriott's "Marriott Traveler" website. The Prize Winner will also receive a $500 Marriott International gift card. Prize Winner will have no approvals over the final messaging used in conjunction with any winning Entry or its content. All other prize details are at Sponsor's sole discretion. All federal, state, local and other taxes are the sole responsibility of each Prize Winner.

7. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY/OWNERSHIP OF PRIZE WINNER ENTRIES: Each prize-winning Entry will become the sole and exclusive property of Prize Provider, and Prize Winner will be required to transfer/assign their rights in such Entry to Prize Provider. For clarity, Prize Provider reserves the right to edit, interpret or otherwise make changes to any Prize Winner's Entry as Prize Provider sees fit, in its sole discretion. Each Prize Winner further waives any "Moral Rights of Authors" or similar natural rights of ownership he/she may have in the Entry. Each Prize Winner further agrees, upon Sponsor's request and without compensation of any kind, to execute any additional documents so as to effect, record or perfect the grant of rights contemplated by this subsection.

8. Each entrant hereby represents and warrants that any Entry and other materials and information provided by such entrant are original to entrant and do not violate or infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity, moral rights or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity, and do not violate any rules or regulations contained in these Official Rules. If the Entry or information or materials provided by entrant contain any material or elements that are not owned by entrant and/or which are subject to the rights of third parties, entrant represents he or she has obtained, prior to submission of the Entry and information or materials, any and all releases and consents necessary to permit use and exploitation of the Entry and information and materials by Sponsor and Prize Provider in the manner set forth in these Official Rules without additional compensation.

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