Jin put a hand on Jimin's small shoulder. "Jimin-ah," Said child sniffled and looked at his father with a big pout and teary eyes. "Appa is going to drop you three off, okay? Hobi-hyungie will be okay, I promise." Jin sweetly said, patting Jimin's head and back to soften his cries, trying to distract him from being affected by their brother's quiet sobs.

The third to the youngest child only nodded in reply, puckered lips quivering as he tried to hush his cries. After a few minutes, Jin finally stopped the car and wiped away Jimin's tears. "Don't cwy, Jiminie." Taehyung said out of the blue, unbuckling his seatbelt to sit on the floor in front of the console. Jimin sniffled and nodded, grabbing the strap of his backpack and slowly put it on. Their father watched with a small frown, looking at Taehyung and Jungkook who are already ready to go. While Jimin unbuckled his seatbelt, he turned to glance at Hoseok who was still crying, his hand clenched over his heart.

"H-hyung." Jimin mumbled, climbing over the console (despite hearing Jin's calls) and went to hug Hoseok. Jimin thought his hyung would totally lessen his crying and smile, but then it became the opposite, and Hoseok was wailing like a baby.

Jimin sniffled and hugged Hoseok tighter, making Namjoon give a guilty glance at the pair and sighing. Taehyung and Jungkook's lips began quivering, and before the situation gets worse, the father himself hurriedly flew off of his seat —unbuckling his seatbelt first, of course— and unto the door beside Jimin and Hoseok.

"A-ah Jiminie, Taehyungie and Kookie! C'mon babies, let's go to school before you three are late!" Jin exclaimed, carefully untangling Jimin from Hoseok and gestured at two other maknaes to get off the car. Jin glared at Namjoon, who jumped from his seat with wide eyes. "Calm your brother down, Kim Namjoon." Jin almost threatened in a deadly voice, slamming the door shut and guided the three onto the entrance of the school. Yoongi blinked, now wide awake and looking at Namjoon who was frozen on his seat. "You heard the man, hyung." Yoongi nonchalantly said with a raised brow and a small smirk, making Namjoon whip his head to glare at Yoongi. "Calm your brother down."

With a deep sigh, Namjoon turned to face Hoseok, struggling to find the right words to say. Yoongi could do nothing but stare at the two as the eldest opened and closed his mouth. It was an awkward silence, only the quiet sniffles and the subtle noise of children laughing with their parents outside were heard by the trio. Jin was still on the entrance, calming Jimin down with forehead kisses and gentle hugs, with Taehyung and Jungkook waving at the other kids going inside. Namjoon frowned as he saw Jimin cracking a small smile at Jin, unlike him who couldn't even form words to console his crying brother.

It was moments after when Jin came in and Hoseok was still crying, and Namjoon's eyes were a bit teary. Jin sighed and turned his back slightly to face the remaining children. "You two, do you need to be absent today just so that I can fix you two's problems?" Jin almost scolded, making Yoongi squirm on his seat uncomfortably and Hoseok to finally silence himself. A teardrop fell from Namjoon's eye, unnoticeable from the others, but Jin could tell he was about to cry.

However, Jin did nothing but drive to the elementary school's parking lot. Yoongi shifted, grabbing his backpack tightly and looked at the two silent brothers. Hoseok's flower crown still on the seat between, and  Yoongi just wanted to let it sit on Hoseok's head so that he can be happy.

Jin parked the car, going down from the car, and went to their side. "So," Jin said as he opened the door, leaning his weight on one foot while his arms are crossed. "Am I going to make you two absent for today or you two are going to make up?"

Hoseok shook his head. "I just wanna go to school now, appa." He said in a small voice, making Jin drop his arms to his sides defeatedly and sigh. The father did not realize that the older brothers can be more stubborn than the little ones. Namjoon said nothing, and that irked Jin a tad bit. "You said you have a presentation, right, Kim Namjoon?"

eomma?? [discontinued]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя