Summer's Rebirth

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Blade's PoV:

Qrow and I were walking side-by-side through a forest full of green and wildlife. As we walked, Qrow sighed.

"Six, do you ever wonder why I stay away from people?"

"I assumed it was simply your personality. Am I wrong?"

"Yes. It's because of my Semblance."

"Which is...?"

"Bad Luck. I can't control it."

"I understand now. Your Semblance accidentally affected Summer and she was dragged away, I presume?"

"Yep. That's what happened. I was able to complete the mission, but I couldn't save her."

A tear rolled down his cheek and he stopped. I did so, too, and followed his gaze. A stone slab sat before us.

Summer Rose
Thus kindly I scatter.

"Who wrote that?"

"Dunno. Ruby, maybe? She visits here from time to time. Anyways, we're not too far from where everything went wrong."

I nodded and looked around. Nothing was showing up on my motion tracker, but I couldn't shake that we were being followed. Shaking off the feeling, I followed Qrow down the cliff into a wide open field. Several bullet casings were scattered across the area.

"This the spot?"


"Take me to where you saw her get grabbed."

Qrow stood in a specific spot and pointed at the forest. "I was right here when I saw her get grabbed and dragged away. I tried chasing after her, but I couldn't find where she was."

"Thanks for the help, Qrow. Like you, I work better alone."

"Yeah... I understand. Give us closer, alright?"

"If I find anything, you will be the first to know."

Qrow nodded, then walked back to Tai's. Drawing my DMR, I walked into the forest without fear.

I will find you, Summer. That's a promise.

I walked for hours until I found my first clue. A chipped and rusted spear. Picking it up, I gazed at it, but couldn't find any markings on top. It had been too long and rusted away.

It was halfway in the dirt, so half was protected from the elements.

I turned it over and saw my sister's emblem. Smiling, I slung it over my shoulder and headed the way it was pointing. If Summer was smart, she'd have to tip pointed the way she was going.

Several Grimm tried to stop me, but I simply stabbed them with Emile's kukuri and continued on. The next piece was her cloak, or at least, her cape. It had been snagged on a sharp rock and ripped close to the hood. Hope rising up, I picked up my pace to a jog and continued to look for clues.

My training as a Headhunter is really paying off.

I found the chain containing her emblem and I knew her hood was close by. Indeed, I found it and when I looked up, a flat stone wall stood before me. With a couple of quick taps on my datapad, I was able to see through the stone and saw empty space.

I've found you.

Stepping back, I gave myself enough distance to run and slam through the wall. My entrance scared the hell out of the Alphas in the room and I quickly and efficiently dispatched them. Looking around, I saw no one. My DMR drooped and a frown found its way on my face.

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