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Six's POV:
Location: Sword Base, after first attack.

"Pretty, right?" Jorge walked up to me.

I nodded.

"Heh. Someone should paint a picture."

I smirked under my silver visor. My sister would love to paint something like this.

"Noble Team, report to Doctor Halsey for debrief. Command says we're all hers."

Jorge was obviously shaken up, in a good way. "Come again? Did you say Halsey?"

"Affirmative. Get your asses over here, Five and Six."

Jorge looked at me. "Don't have to tell me twice. Been hers half my life."

We walked downstairs to talk with Doctor Halsey.

(The thing is the same as the cutscene.)

We walked out to hear our radios crackle to life.

"Noble Team: bed down at Sword Base for the night."

Carter placed his hand on his helmet radio. "Copy. Bedding down."

We walked over to the barracks temporally assigned to us and as soon as I walked in, I found all five beds populated.

"Guess I'm-"

Carter cut me off by pointing at Kat. Fu-. "Bed down with her."

I sighed with my helmet filter off, knowing immediately what'll happen as soon as I lay down next to Kat. Taking my helmet off, I walked over to Kat's bed. She gave me a nod and I laid down.

"Hey, look! Two-!"

Kat and I threw our knifes at Emile, cutting him off. Usually he'd continue on, but he knew my first knife was a warning one. The second one I had was holstered on my right shoulder and Emile knew I was deadly with it.

Kat waited for everyone to fall asleep before asking me a question. "Hey, Six. Do you have someone back home you miss? Like, a sibling?"

I looked at her. "Actually, I do. Why?"

Kat shrugged. "Just curious. What's his name?"

I gazed up at the ceiling. "I actually have a sister. Her name's Summer Rose. Sweet girl. Our parents might not have died, but I still felt responsible in preventing the Covies from overtaking Remnant, my home planet."

"Remnant? Never heard of it."

"That's because ONI's hidden it from all star charts. Only those who've read past the censors know my true history."

Kat looked at our sleeping commander. "Then does that mean-?"

I nodded.

Kat sighed. "Must be tough having a sister on a planet trying to stay hidden..."

I sighed as well. "I think about her all the time..."

After a moment of silence, Kat and I fell asleep.

Location: Six's dreams

I stood in the middle of a pure black field. The sky was a crimson shade of red and rose petals were fluttering around in the air, coming from an unknown source.


I turned around to face a woman in white. Her back was to me.

"Blade.......... Why didn't you come back?" It was my sister, Summer.

I took a step forwards. "I tried, Summer! ONI never let me come back!"

"YOU SHOULD HAVE TRIED HARDER!!!! LOOK AT WHAT I'VE BECOME!!!" She spun around to face me.

"No...." I took a shocked step back.

"LOOK AT WHAT I'VE BECOME, BLADE!!! LOOK AT WHAT I HAVE BECOME!!!" Her entire body was cut and mauled so much, even the strongest stomached Spartan would loose their meal. Rose petals flowed from her wounds.

"Six..... Why didn't you make it count?" Jorge walked forwards and stood next to my deceased sister.


One by one, Noble walked forwards, obviously dead. They drew weapons and charged at me, screaming.


I bolted for my sidearm, sweating. "Stop!"

Bolting up, I looked around. Realizing I was in bed with Ruby, I slowed my breathing.

Sighing, I looked at the girls. They were still fast asleep.

"Damn. How hard do they sleep?"

Gazing at Kat's pistol, my silver eyes fell upon the numbers I had engraved into the side of the gun. Taking my knife, I carved my sister's emblem into the side, next to the five, but leaving enough room for a six. I plan on leaving this pistol with Ruby when I pass.

Tears running down my cheek, I got out of bed and grabbed my armor, putting it on. Hearing the door close behind me, I slammed my helmet on, grabbed my DMR, leaving the Energy Sword behind. Rushing out, I saw Blake round a corner.

Consulting my data pad, I realized that corner leads only one place: the library. Knowing about their encounter with Roman Torchwick on the highway, I knew she was going to try and figure out where he is.

How to get her to me.....

Noticing one feature on my DMR I never use, I pressed a button and a little red dot formed on the wall. Inside my helmet, I smirked.

Here kitty kitty kitty....

And that was the chapter! I think it's only fitting that Blade/Six has PTSD. Spartans are humans, too. They are still susceptible to psychological problems.

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