A talk with Ozpin.

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Six's PoV:

I left immediately, not wanting to draw too much attention. Thing was, the leader of this place wished to see me. I cursed when I saw who his assistant was. Glynda Goodwitch, someone with whom I've had sour relations with in my childhood. After all: she used to torment Summer for her silver eyes. When I yelled in her face about me having silver eyes too and she was just being mean over a stupid thing, she backed off for good. In fact, she grew nice to my younger sister.

Anyways, back to the present. I stood there in the professor's office and gazed out at the school below. Glynda tried to make conversation, given how it was just us.

"Quite the view, right?"

I simply watched as a line of rose petals shot from one side of the school to the other. "......"

She looked at me. "Not much of a talker, huh?"

"..... I still remember when you picked on my sister."

Glynda looked at me. "What? Who are you talking about?"

I looked at her through my silver visor. "I am talking about my sister, Summer Rose. I remember giving you a stern talking and look at who you've become."

She blinked at me. "Blade?!?"

I simply nodded. Behind me, a man chuckled, startling Glynda but not me. I had noticed a green dot on my motion tracker.

"Well then. Is it true, young man?"

I sighed. "First, I am not young. Second, I am not a man, I'm a broken Spartan."

Glynda and Ozpin looked at me strange. I looked at the setting moon. "Our duty as soldiers is to protect Humanity...." I gazed at Noble's tags, tears fogging my visor. Jeorge... Catherine... Carter...... Emile, you sunavabitch. I'll miss ya..... "No matter the cost."

Ozpin sighed, then gazed out the window with me. "You are back home, Blade. No-"

"NO!" I slammed my fist into the thick glass, almost breaking it. "I CAN NEVER GO BACK! NOT WHEN THE COVENANT STILL STAND!!!! THEY WILL COME HERE!!!!! MARK MY GOD DAMN WORDS!!!!"
I let out a furious exhale, then spun around.

Glynda took a step forwards. "Blade..."

I glared at her. "The name's Six. Get used to it." I tapped the down button on the elevator, then more quietly, "I'll be shadowing Ruby if you need me."

Pov swap provided by RWBY Chibi!
Noble Six lashes out at the top of Beacon Tower, sending tiny glass shards floating down.

Elite Major Pov:

I bowed before her. "We are at your command, ma'am."

She was unaffected by our four jaws. "Rise, my alien friends." We rose. "This here is Cinder Fall. Treat her like you would treat me."
The woman beside her crossed her arms.

We bowed, then stood back up. We then looked at her. "What shall be our mission, majesty?"

An orb floated over and showed an image that made my blood boil. It was the Demon that killed 6 of my brothers on Reach.

"This is the Demon Noble Six. Somehow, he survived the glassing of Reach. I want your best men to keep tabs on him. Under no circumstances shall you engage. None. Do you understand?"

We all bowed. "Yes ma'am. Our best scouts shall uphold your will." A team of four Zealots left.

I noticed Cinder eyeing him, interested. "I wonder, if we take off his helmet, will his armor become unusable?"

I shook my head. "No ma'am. One of my brothers tried defeating him by removing the Demon's helmet, but that did nothing."

Cinder looked at me. "Thank you. Dismissed, all of you." She continued to gaze at him.

We walked away, but Cinder kept her gaze fixated on the Devil. A shudder crept up my armored back. She may have romantic intent for him.....

Clearing my mind, I walked over to the woman Cinder saved some time before us Sangheli, Lekku and Ungoy arrived at her estate. We also had the 'Jackals' as Humanity called them with us, along with Brutes. There was one thing about the False Covenant that we didn't bring. The Prophets. We didn't need to, for she was a true Goddess. Her Salvation is truth. Her words are truth and the Prophet's false.

As Emerald and I sinked into fighting stance, my mind raced to find honorable ways to defeat her.

And that is the second real chapter of Turned to Dust!

How was it? Oh, and don't worry. Six won't come out with his name to the students any time soon. At this point in the story, only Glynda and Ozpin shall know. Any ways, Six will stand toe-to-toe with practically all authoritative figures mainly out of caution. His mission is to protect Ruby.... no matter the cost.

Thing is, she doesn't know that.

How will things play out?

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