A Beautiful Saturday

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"Maurice, If you don't leave me alone." I said pushing his hand away for the 50th time in the last ten minutes.

"C'mon Kay, just hit it one time. I won't ask you ever again if you don't like it." Chris said trying to pass the burning weed to me again.

Chris has been begging me too hit this blunt. I don't like smoking, I think I'm going to get addicted or something. It just never interested me to smoke honestly.

"Kayla, c'mon ma' just one hit thats it."

"Begging wont get you anywhere Christopher. Why are you peer pressuring me anyway? I said no."

"What I say about using my goverment Kayla?"Chris said while exhaling the smoke he just inhaled.

"Ahhh, shutup I can say whatever I want because I'm your best friend." I said sticking out my tongue.

It's been a month and a half since me and Chris have been hanging out. It still shocks me till this day. I hated his guts when I first met him! I feel we're closer than his boys and that seems impossible. I don't know, something just switched between us. Destiny and Nia thinks we're going to start dating since we haven't left each others side. To be honest I don't see Chris and I being together. I just feel we would be better off as friends.

"WHERE YALL NIGGAS AT!" We heard Ty yell out once he entered Chris' home.

"Damn nigga, You gotta' be so loud?" Chris huffed while he put the end of his blunt out into the ash tray.

"KAYLA KAY!" Ty loud ass yelled while he walked over to me to give me a hug.

Ever since me and Ty met he's always calls me that, it's actually a cute nickname to me.

"Micheal Stevenson, Yell one more time." I said rubbing my temples. His loud ass was truly giving me a headache.

"Damn, Kay. Why you keep calling me by my full name?" Ty asked once he took a seat on the opposite side of us. Chris had a huge sectional so all of us had space to sit down and chill.

"Man, she be saying mine too. Yo' ass gon get popped one of these days." Chris mumbled licking the new blunt closed.

"Chris? Dont show off infront of your friend please." I said looking up from my phone smirking a little. I would like to see his ass try!

"Oh, you got jokes now Kayla?" Chris chuckled then proceeded licking the swissher making sure it was perfect before he sparked it.

"So whats the plan fo' today my lovely friends?" Ty asked breaking down some more weed on his tray. All they do is smoke.

Since I came over to Chris's apartment, Me and him have been brain storming our ass off to do something entertaining today on this beautiful Saturday.

"There's a kickback tonight at Travis's house , Yall wanna slide?"

"You know I don't like that nigga Mike." Chris said, you can tell his whole mood changed once Travis was brought up into the conversation.

"Why? He seems like coo peeps." I said. I have Travis in a class. We sit next to each other in calculus. Any time we have a conversation he seems pretty decent. He even helped me with a few math problems, I've never got a weird vibe from him.

"I just don't like him, he seems shady to me." Chris replied.

"Either it's that or stay in. Ion' know about yall but T-Raww aint stayin' in. I need to get my dick wet!"

"Oh my gosh! Mikey c'mon! Nobody wants to hear that!" I said covering my ears dramatically.

"Kayla, he's right . I need to get mine wet too." He said laighing and dapping Ty up.

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