Why Are You So Rude?

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Once the final bell rang for seventh period, I made my way into the school gymnasium. I'm still upset that I fucked up PE grade my freshman year. Now I have to take this class as a senior. As a senior I should be chillan', just waiting to graduate. That wasn't the case since I didn't take anything serious freshman year.

Walking more into the spacious gym I took a look around the gym to see their school colors which were blue and silver splattered in each direction.

Both of the classes were all seated on the bleachers waiting for the teachers to take roll call and go over the syllabus.

Taking a quick glance at all the faces, I wanted to see if there were anyone familiar from my previous classes.

I spotted Nia and August sitting next to each other. Since I hit it off with Nia at lunch I decided to walk over to them. August seemed pretty chill too, way better than his weird ass friend Chris.

"Hey is it okay if I sit with you guys?" I asked once I reached them. They were sitting in the middle sections of the bleachers.

"Of course, it's Kayla right?" Nia asked scooting over a little bit so I can sit next to her.

"Yes." I smiled lightly taking a seat.

"Sorry, I knew your name. I was just making sure." She laughed. Nia was so pretty. The prettiest chocolate girl I've seen. She had long hair that stopped to the middle of her back. Nia wore a cute t shirt dress, a jean jacket, and some cute sandals to show her pretty pink toes.

"Don't worry about it girl, you're fine." I smiled reassuring her that I didn't take offense to it at all.

"So who else is in this class?" I said looking around peeping the scene.

"My boy Ty in hea' too." August said eating a bag of hot Cheetos.

"Oh, yeah. Chris too." Nia chimed in.

Are you serious? Chris? If Chris says some stupid shit I'm going off. I don't have the patience for his disrespectful ass anymore.

Our teacher Mr.Greene called out roll call and explained what he expected from us this year. It's crazy he had the same last name as me. All Mr.Greene  asked from us was for us to participate in the activities he planned for the day and show up in dress code. Once he finished with announcements, he let us have free time. I pulled out my earphones and scrolled
through Twitter and Instagram.

I took my attention from off my phone and glanced around the gym. I saw Chris and Tyga making their way up the stairs and over to where we were seated. I'm not going to lie, Chris and Ty are so handsome. But Chris? This boy is so handsome you can tell he knows it too just by the way he acts. Chris has pink full lips, freckles that danced over his cheekbones, black moisturized curls, and don't even get me started on the plethora of tattoos that were splattered across his arms.

The only thing that's pissing me off is his attitude. Such a handsome boy but with a shitty personality.

"Kayla Kay!" Ty exclaimed once his eyes landed on me when he made it up the bleachers. Chris following behind him, he just gave me a mean mug. As if I shitted in his cereal this morning.

"Thats me." I laughed replying to Ty. Ignoring Chris' entire being.

Ty walked over to me and gave me a hug. This man smelled so delicious. He definitely smelled like he was edible.

"That's crazy that we all have the same class, we're just missing Des." Ty said taking a seat in between me and Nia.

"That means y'all wasn't doing shit for pe freshman year." I laughed.

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