Chapter 48: "Over."

Beginne am Anfang

"How in the world is this your fault?" I kneel down in front of him.

"I shouldn't have left you at the club. I was just pissed and trying to get you to make a decision about me. If I hadn't of left we would have probably still been together... none of this would of happened."

"Stop it, this is in no way your fault! I won't have you blaming yourself." I say, trying to pull his hands away from his face.

"It just kills me to see you this way Ava. I can't stand it." He says, looking at me.

"Well then I should probably just go." I say, standing up and turning towards the door.

"What? No!" Harry says, grabbing my hand and pulling me back towards him.

"I was just kidding. I'm not going anywhere. But can we please lighten the mood a bit? I don't want to dwell on last night right now."

He nods his head, "Of course."

I hear my phone ding and go back into the bedroom to check it. I don't even read the message when I see what time it is. Crap!

"Harry! We were supposed to be on the bus five hours ago!" I start to hurriedly throw my stuff into my bag.

"What?!" Harry yells, running out of the bathroom.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this! Hurry and pack your things!"

Harry suddenly busts out laughing, "Calm down, they've pushed on without us."

"What?! Are you kidding?!"

"You should've seen your face!" He laughs.

"Very funny!" I roll my eyes at him, "How are we going to make it to your next show in time?"

He walks over to me and pulls my bag out of my hands. "The show isn't till tomorrow night love. You needed to rest. And I thought maybe we could get away for a day and then fly to the venue tomorrow morning."

"Get away?"

"Yeah, I have a mate who has a place on the beach not far from here. I thought we could go there for the day and stay the night."

"The beach?" I question, "There isn't a beach anywhere near here."

"It's only like half an hour from here. What do you say?" He asks, giving me his famous dimpled grin and raising his eyebrows. "We could fly kites!"

"Kites? I'm not seven years old Harry." I laugh.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" He whines.

I shake my head at him. The man can go from incredibly sexy to a cute five year old in seconds.

He smiles at me, "Let's go... fly a kite!"

"If you break out into full on singing Mary Poppins right now I'm going to lose it!" I laugh.

"You're right, that would be far tooooo sexy."

I roll my eyes at him, taking back my bag. "Go pack so we can go."

"Anxious to get me in a bathing suit eh?" He laughs, heading towards the bathroom.

I go through my bag and pull out a pair of light jean shorts with a narrow brown belt, a black and white stripped shirt, and some brown sandals. After putting everything on, I add a few pieces of jewelry and put my hair up in a high bun. I add a little color to my cheeks and sweep a little powder across my neck, trying to hide the redness of it.

"Ready then?"

I turn around to find Harry wearing his usual black jeans and boots, but today he's matched them with a green t-shirt. Wow it makes his eyes pop. Okay Ava, stop staring.

"Ye-yeah." I answer, grabbing my bag and putting my sunglasses on.

He chuckles, then takes my bag from me and slings his own over his shoulder. "After you."

I lead the way out of the room and down the hallway towards the elevator. I try not to think about the events that took place in this hallway last night.

"Your bum looks fit in those shorts."

I glance behind me, giving Harry a dirty look. "Eyes up Styles!"

He winks at me, "No way McCain."

I hit the button for the elevator and we step inside when it arrives on our floor. I go to hit the button for the lobby, but Harry leans over and hits the button for the roof.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Only half an hour away huh?"

"Yeah, by helicopter." He smiles. "To fancy for you?"

"Nah, I used to have one of my own." I smile back.

He widens his eyes at me while I laugh.

"Somehow I don't think you're kidding." He chuckles.

The elevator dings and the door opens onto the roof, where a black helicopter is waiting for us. The sight brings back many memories of leaving the city for weekend trips to the Hamptons. I hated that place.

I follow Harry to the helicopter and he helps me inside. We both sit down and pull headsets on as we take off.

"Ava, can you hear me? Over."

I snicker at him, "Yes I can hear you." I speak into the microphone of my headset.

"You ready to have fun? Over."

I'm now full on laughing and he looks at me confused.

"What's so funny? Over."

"Why do you keep saying over?!" I manage to get out in between laughs.

"That's what you're supposed to do. Over."

"Please stop!" I choke out.

He laughs with me and takes my hand, entwining it with his.

"Hey Ava."

I pretend I didn't hear him, waiting for him to say it.

"Hey Ava. Over."

I bust out laughing again and he just shakes his head at me and pretends to pout.

I give him a sad mocking face, then smile and turn to look out the window, knowing today is going to be a good day.

No, it's going to be a great day.


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! I spend hours and hours writing this and it only takes a second. It would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

Almost Lover (Harry Styles) - Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt