"If it's for you, I can act like I'm happy even when I'm sad," he sang, "If it's for you, I can act strong even when it hurts."

Then it was Eros, himself. I was annoyed at him but I can't deny that he looked handsome, probably as handsome as Tony was.

"I wish love was perfect as love itself," he sang, "I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden. I grew a flower that can't be bloomed in a dream that can't come true."

I was surprised when Damien sang the lyrics with a high voice. His normal voice was low, so it was really surprising.

"I'm so sick of this fake love, fake love, fake love," Pothos sang.

"His voice is that high?" I asked Psyche.

She shrugged and her jaw was dropped too, "I didn't know."

"I'm so sorry but it's fake love, fake love, fake love," sang Derek who even winked at the audience.

"Derek! I love you!"

"Kyah! Eros! I love you more!"

I acted like I was vomiting, "Eww," I said in disgust.

Psyche laughed, "Come on, Sophie. He's not disgusting."

"I wanna be a good man," Hudson rapped. Yes, he rapped. I thought he sang at first, but wow, I was wrong.

"Himeros! Oh my god!"

"Be mine!"

"Look at me, Hudson!"

"Just for you," Damien sang.

"I gave the world," Hudson continued as he danced with Damien.

"Pothos! You're a god!"

"Just for you," Damien sang again and winked at the girl who complimented him.

The poor girl fainted.

"I changed everything," Hudson said.

"Just for you," Damien sang.

"But I don't know me," Hudson continued.

"Who are you?" Damien asked.

Derek took the spotlighg and my eyebrows raised in slight surprise when I heard him rap, "The forest just for us, you weren't there," the kther three members danced behind him, "The route I took, I forgot. I even became quite unsure of who I was. Try babbling into the mirror, who the heck are you?"

"For you," Pothos sang, "I could pretend like I was happy when I was sad." The other girls tried to get his attention but his focus was solely on singing now. "For you, I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt."

"I wish love was perfect as love itself," To y sang and it instantly brought a smile to my face. His voice was that good. "I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden. I grew a flower that can't be bloomed in a dream that can't come true."

"I love you, Anteros!" A girl screamed.

My heart fell when atony blew a kiss to the girl. I stopped myself from glaring daggers at Tony and crossed my arms in defeat. I huffed out a breath and leaned back on my chair.

"Love you so bad, love you so bad," Eros sang and danced flawlessly, "mold a pretty lie for you."

I'd love to tell you what I heard and understood of the screams I heard but zi hate the guy dancing so, sorry not sorry.

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