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Heat clogged the forest air, almost suffocating Frostcloud. She dulled her pace and waved her tail at Foxpaw before collapsing into a cool patch of grass under the shade of a tree.

The apprentice set herself next to the warrior, herself panting. Frostcloud winced looking at the younger she-cats coat. How could she manage her training with so much fur? Frostcloud wasn't envious.

Not currently, anyhow. But come leaf-bare, it would be Foxpaw who stayed warm. "It's so hot." Foxpaw murmured.

"It's almost leaf-fall." Frostcloud consoled, partially to herself. It was mid green-leaf now, and in only some time the weather would cool. Though, with that, the prey would dissipate.

The two sat in silence for some time. And, reluctantly, Frostcloud decided it was time to return to hunting. When prey became scarce in just a few moons, it will be more difficult than ever to teach Foxpaw how to hunt. Frostcloud had to use her time wisely.

Briskly, the two made way to Dead Tree. Frostcloud nodded her head at Foxpaw, encouraging the tortoiseshell to take the lead. The apprentice twitched her ears and began stalking through the undergrowth.

It wasn't long before the apprentice spotted a chipmunk upturning needles, hoarding seeds in its cheeks.

Foxpaw dropped into a hunters crouch and stepped forward slowly and, to Frostcloud's relief, kept her tail only just high enough as to not disturb the undergrowth.

The chipmunk halted its search to scan its surroundings, and Foxpaw froze under the inspection. When the rodent returned to its task, Foxpaw launched.

Foxpaw landed her aim and killed the rodent swiftly. Frostcloud had to keep herself from jumping like an excitable kit while her apprentice buried her kill. That was the cleanest hunt Foxpaw has had yet! The rodent was stunned on impact and hadn't had time to squeal! It was killed promptly!

"Well done." Frostcloud praised as Foxpaw returned to her mentor.

The apprentice shrugged, but Frostcloud was able to recognize a glimmer in her eye. She wouldn't show it, but she was proud of herself too.

Before the two began the trek back to camp, Foxpaw had managed three more kills- one of which were just as clean as the first.

In Frostcloud's jaws, she carried two mice. In Foxpaw's; a chipmunk and a small squirrel. The two pressed into camp; in the clearing Mosspool's nearly two-moon old kits played.

"Bring that squirrel to Needlepelt." Frostcloud instructed Foxpaw upon spotting the elder staring numbly at the dead tree that was his den.

Tired, Frostcloud brought the remaining prey to the fresh-kill pile before retreating to the warriors den. Inside, Cricketlegs lay sprawled in his nest. His long limbs stuck in the air as he slept on his back.

Collapsing in her own nest, Frostcloud fell asleep in the cool of her den.


It was almost dusk when angry yowls shot Frostcloud out of her sleep. She launched to her paws and followed Cricketlegs into the clearing from the warriors den. His tail lashed and the fur along his spine was risen.

In the center of camp, Rosepaw, Sunfur, Bramblepaw, and Leafear were being tended to by Feathertail and Dawnheart. Each cat bore several cuts along their flanks, and Rosepaw bled from a thick scratch across her muzzle.

Whitestar bounded towards his mate. "What happened?" He asked her, gently but firmly.

Frostcloud joined Buckheart and Needlepelt, surrounding the beaten hunting patrol. She touched her shoulder to the larger toms.

"We were hunting near Little Cave when a MarshClan battle patrol ambushed us." Sunfur replied with flattened ears.

"We fought back but were outnumbered." Leafear muttered, "We had to retreat."

Crowfur hissed and lashed his tail, "Those mangy Marshcats!"

"Rosepaw!" Cricketlegs called, taking several steps towards his apprentice, "Are you hurt?"

"Oh, my poor kit." Warmheart mewed to Riverpelt, eyeing the gash under Rosepaw's nose.

"Who caused that?" Riverpelt asked the apprentice, her claws digging into the dirt.

"Maybe some fox-toothed apprentice." Frostcloud offered, unable to take her eyes from the injury. What warrior would attack an apprentice with such a lash across the face? What a scar that would leave.

"Rosepaw's about the size of a warrior now." Buckheart said, like he read Frostcloud's mind, "A MarshClan warrior may have mistook her for one."

"Er, it was a she-cat with a really long, curved tail." Rosepaw replied, shifting under the eyes of her Clanmates.

"Scorpiontail." Dustclaw hissed.

"We need to launch another attack!" Slatethorn growled to his brother. Mosspool crawled from the nursery and approached the assembled Clan. He tired, fluffy tail dragged on the ground behind her.

Whitestar paced as he lashed his tail. "We need to launch a strong attack. One that tells MarshClan we will not back down."

"We could ambush their camp!" Badgerpaw offered, padding to Dustclaw, who beamed at the thought.

"Such a clever tom." Dustclaw praised. "MarshClan will know they don't scare us then."

Dawnheart and Feathertail shared a look with one another, Frostcloud noticed. "Those flea-ridden Marshcats." Needlepelt grumbled.

It was Duskfur who spoke up next, "MarshClan is too densely populated for us to attack their camp, we'll be shredded!"

"But they'll know we're serious." Came Slatethorn.

Frostcloud winced. Was the Clan seriously considering such a bold attack? She caught Buckheart's worried eye.

As much as Frostcloud supported her Clan in their initial strikes against MarshClan, these battles only became more and more intense. Cats were becoming so angry they could barely hold themselves back in the fight. Even Frostcloud had noticed she's becoming more aggressive in the heat of battle after Doefaces death, which felt so long ago now.

But why would the battles stop if MarshClan never admitted to their guilt? They couldn't get away with killing Doeface. What if Pinecats were still trading prey for mushrooms? The cats from other Clans? Why should MarshClan be let off the hook with just a swat to their whiskers?

Whitestar's yellow eyes fell to Crowfur's, "Meet me in my den."

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