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      By day two of tree-climbing, Foxpaw had really found her rhythm. Frostcloud seldom had to correct Foxpaw or call advice when she found herself in an awkward position. Foxpaw was able to find out herself. And even the heat that hazed in the forest couldn't stop her.

  It was half-past sunhigh when Frostcloud had decided that there wasn't any need to practice climbing trees, at least not for the remainder of the day. And though both she and Foxpaw had grown tired and hot, she decided they would hunt before returning to PineClan.

  "Fledgling are everywhere." Frostcloud said as she and Foxpaw weaved aimlessly through the trees. The birds had been dropping from the trees like needles, and it was almost impossible not to stumble into a few in this season, "Why don't we catch a few before we return to camp?"

  Foxpaw flicked her ears. She wasn't particularly excited with the task, but by now she had learned better than to argue. At least with most things.

  It wasn't long before Frostcloud detected a small bird leaping out from the undergrowth, frantically flapping its wings but only able to make small bounds.

   Fledglings were easy to catch, as they were still learning how to fly and avoid hunters, and therefore made good practice for Foxpaw. "Pretend like it's a full-grown bird that could fly away in a half-heartbeat." Frostcloud murmured. "And bear in mind that its kin may swoop down and peck you when you catch it."

  Foxpaw's eyes grew slightly and she flashed her mentor a look that begged she was kidding. Frostcloud only twitched her whiskers in response.

  Steadying her gaze on the small bird, Foxpaw adjusted her hind feet briefly. She lifted one paw off the ground, and a pained yowl cracked the silence.

  Frostcloud was on her paws first, her eyes darting between the trees. "Who was that?" Foxpaw asked, her voice just above a whisper.

  With a twitch in her tail, Frostcloud demanded silence. She stalked through the forest with her head level with her shoulders, and she prayed to StarClan that Foxpaw behind her kept the same discreet position.

  Another pained wail broke the air and the fur along Frostcloud's shoulders rose. Then, detecting Dustclaw, Warmheart, and Cricketlegs scent, Frostcloud picked up her pace- almost running after the scent trail.

  Panicked, she leapt from the bramble and into a small clearing. On the ground in front of the small warrior, Cricketleg's writhed. What looked like thorns the size of her tail jutted from Cricketleg's face and torso and blood welled from where they punctured his skin. His teeth were beared in a grimace, and his eyes shut tightly.

  Ahead, Dustclaw and Warmheart hissed and yowled at some beast somewhat larger than they were. Yellow buck teeth stuck from its lips and it raised the quills along its back with full intentions to use them.

  "What is that?" Foxpaw asked, horror scratching her voice.

  "It's a porcupine." Frostcloud answered lowly.  She'd never seen one with her own eyes before, but its musky odor and dangerous appearance couldn't be mistaken.

  Quickly, Frostcloud analyzed her options. A cat had to run back to camp for backup, but Warmheart has been too weak to reach any notable speed since her last litter of kits.

  Dustclaw was the strongest warrior capable of fighting the porcupine, and couldn't afford leaving the current patrol to find help.

  Foxpaw was exhausted, and in a crisis like this, Frostcloud would be the faster of the two. "Stand over Cricketlegs." Frostcloud demanded, swinging her head towards Foxpaw and locking eyes, "If the porcupine gets close, swipe at its nose and eyes. Do not get in Dustclaw's or Warmheart's way."

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