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      The forest was quiet. Not a bird sang, or a mouse scuffled. For some heartbeats, everything was still.

  Everything was serene.

  Suddenly, a pinecone let go of its tree and fell violently to the earth, cascading into branches and twigs as it made its way down. It crashed into the undergrowth, bouncing twice as it rolled away from the pine. Landing after it was a rain of needles.

  "Again." Frostcloud ordered nearby. Her voice echoed in the forest, though she wasn't necessarily shouting, her words were clear and projected.

  Foxpaw grunted, then heaved herself up the trunk of a small tree. "Use your front claws to hold your grip on the bark, then your hind feet to push down." The warrior instructed from the ground.

  The apprentice lashed her tail and breathed hard, but still managed to lug her body further up the tree. She neared a branch and Frostcloud called after, "This is where it gets tricky! Climb just a little higher then make sure your hind legs have a good grip! Use your front claws to secure a hold on the branch, then push yourself on!"

  Don't you like him? The question Riverpelt had asked just some dawn's ago replayed in Frostcloud's mind almost any quiet moment she had.

  I do like him. She thought. But to what extent?

  Foxpaw was on the tree branch, mrowling victory. "Excellent!" Frostcloud cheered.

  The warrior launched, landing on the tree and grasping the bark with her claws. She pushed her way sky-wards, shoving off the trunk and onto the branch with Foxpaw. "Climbing trees gets easier with practice." Frostcloud said, "And it's a good skill to have. Imagine if there was an enemy patrol below us- we'd have the advantage being above them. Even if they saw spotted us, they couldn't attack."

  Foxpaw nodded, breathing hard and eyeing the ground. "If there was a patrol, we'd jump off these branches and directly onto our enemies, they would break our fall. But of course, there aren't any here, so we'll have to climb back down the tree."

  With stretched eyes, Foxpaw scanned the trunk that split straight into the earth. Frostcloud twitched her whiskers as the apprentice worked to catch her breath. "It is a little harder climbing down than up," The warrior admitted, "but even if you slip, you won't be injured. It's a short fall. And you won't have to climb to the bottom of the trunk- you can leap off half way."

  Foxpaw heaved a sigh, "My paws are aching! Bark is so hard on the pads!"

  "It is." Frostcloud consoled. "But you'll be okay, climbing trees makes your pads stronger. Now, do as I do."

  Frostcloud started her climb down the tree head-first. She used her claws to grasp the trunk, hugging the tree as she heaved her way down. Her tail stuck out, keeping her primary form of balance in check.

  Half way down the trunk, Frostcloud leapt off, landing nimbly on her paws.

  "Don't push yourself down the tree! Gravity will do that for you. Just keep your tail stiff, and your claws imbedded in the bark." Frostcloud instructed.

  Boldly, Foxpaw followed Frostcloud's example as she clumsily clawed her way down the trunk, leaping off and landing near her mentor. She panted, and eyed the tree she had conquered.

  "Well done." Frostcloud praised. Though imperfect, Foxpaw had a skill in climbing. She had fallen off the tree several times before she managed to reach that first branch, but with a little practice she could become an expert.

  "Let's climb some more." Foxpaw beamed, swinging her head towards Frostcloud.

  She eyed her apprentice, pride welling in her chest. Foxpaw was growing into a stronger PineClan warrior by the dawn. And by now she was just bigger than her mentor, and she wasn't done growing yet.

  "Let's move closer towards MarshClan. The trees there have more curve to them, and more low-hanging branches. They'll make for good practice." Frostcloud said.

  The two-she cats began a brisk pace towards their destination. Frostcloud had decided some time ago all battle-training should be made as quick paced as possible, as to mimic the urgency that came from an actual fight.

  Not to mention it wore out Foxpaw, who's temper mellows as she grows tired. Working hard seems to ease away whatever stress it is that makes her so irritable.

  Near Little Cave, Frostcloud detected scents of Pinecats. She took the opportunity. "What do you smell?"

  Foxpaw sniffed the air. Then, "Ferretpaw, Doeface, Shaleshimmer, and Bramblepaw."

  "Well done." Frostcloud praised. Though nothing to boast about initially, Foxpaw's skills in tracking had blossomed.

  "Now," Frostcloud demanded suddenly, "We'll be climbing that tree, the one missing half a branch."

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