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Finally, Whitestar had decided the threat of the rogues had diminished, and Pinecats were permitted to leave camp alone again.

Frostcloud took the first opportunity she could to be alone, and currently wandered aimlessly in the woods. It was nearing dusk, and soon Pinecats who left for the forest for their Clan duties or own personal interests would be returning to camp.

There was a light wind that ruffled Frostcloud's fur, and it carried the wet scent of rain. The forest could use it. She had to remind herself, giving a disdainful sniff of the dry brush she stood by. But still, I hope it's not a loud storm.

Sitting down heavily, the white cat sighed. She and Buckheart hadn't exchanged more that seven words to each other in the last three days- since the Gathering. Guilt pricked at Frostcloud's chest. She's just become so shy around him recently. She fumbled over her words every time their eyes locked, and her ears would become hot. But that's not to say she was uncomfortable around the tom... she just didn't know how to speak to him anymore.

How long had Buckheart had feelings for her? And more importantly: why?

As fiercely as she loved her Clan, Frostcloud was too small to be a notably strong warrior. She could hold her own in battle, but that's the furthest her strength could take her.

Buckheart was strong. And though somewhat quiet, it's only because he watched so much in the world around him. He studied his surroundings and acted boldly. His immense size and simple, but charming, appearance could capture the attention of any she-cat.

Movement caught Frostcloud's eye and her head darted towards StoneClan's border. A grey and white-spotted tom had just stalked onto PineClan territory, and Frostcloud's fur bristled as he began treading into the woods.

"What do you think you're doing?" Frostcloud demanded.

Badgerpaw nearly leapt out of his fur and a mouse slipped from his jaws. Though, he managed to catch it before it fell to the ground.

"Were you just hunting in StoneClan's territory?" Frostcloud asked, though it sounded more like a statement. She already knew the answer. Badgerpaw's wide eyes darting between the warrior and forest, like they looked for an excuse or an opportunity to run, gave Frostcloud the answer she needed.

Slowly, like he was buying his time, Badgerpaw set down his kill. Then, "It started off on our side of the border."

Frostcloud flattened her ears, "That doesn't matter." She said, "The warriors code forbids you trespass or hunt in another Clans territory."

Badgerpaw shrugged, "I doubt they'll notice, I was only in their territory for a moment."

Frostcloud felt appalled. This apprentice didn't seem the least bit guilty over being caught breaking the code- only uncomfortable with the confrontation that followed. He was growing too big for his claws! How many times had he trespassed into other Clans before now?

"What's going on here?" Slatethorn asked, pulling from the surrounding brush. His eyes shifted between Frostcloud and his apprentice, uncertainty shadowing their yellow hue.

"Your apprentice just hunted on StoneClan's side of the border." Frostcloud replied, her voice low.

"Is this true?" Slatethorn asked, swinging his head towards his apprentice, who hardly flinched under the glare.

"The chase started in PineClan." He repeated.

Slatethorn's posture slacked lightly. "Stonecat's get squirrelly, Badgerpaw." He explained, "If you cross their border too much they'll pick a fight."

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