Chapter 7: Royal Wedding

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Hanji's POV

Shuddering in fear, I didn't want to walk over to Levi for the wedding. There was all these higher ups with power with their families... I couldn't handle the pressure. Almost running away from the scene... but running my hand over the growing baby bump... the one hidden inside was so... calming. The baby was the one thing that Levi and I made... and this baby deserved to have a happy life as a prince or as a princess... being the child of Levi and I.

Walking towards him, he sees me, even calming me down with his stormy eyes. They clouded around me, protecting me from those stares... I ignored all those words the one marrying us, only responding with the words they needed me to say...

"I do." I say, too busy feeling the warmth of Levi as he said his vows. 

"My king, you may kiss the queen." The man says.

Levi smirks a bit, walking closer to me. His lips didn't touch mine, but instead, he kicks my leg, forcing me to be unbalanced and before I fell... his power hands held me. He chuckles softly before kissing me. His kisses were so powerful... like the ones he use against me while we made love.

After he pulls me up to my feet, he whispers into my ear. "You're so beautiful..." He stifles a groan and instantly, I knew what he wanted to do when all this was over. 

Giggling softly, I kissed his lips again. "We can do it later..."

Levi groans once more, pushing his strong body against my weak one. "But, I want you right now... please..." Down below, I felt him getting hard, knowing that he wanted it gone by us making love. Looking around, I didn't see anyone paying that much attention, except Erwin. It is his job to look out for Levi...

Smiling at him, I nodded, "Alright then... we can't take our time... and this dress takes me more than half an hour to be fitted in this..."

"I can do a quick one... and we don't have to remove the gown... I just... need to lift it enough for me to do it." He then kisses my neck in a passionate way. His lips trailing down to my breasts as he gripped on my shoulders. "And enough to make sure... it doesn't fall on the dress, to stain it and all. God, you're beautiful... in this dress."

Pulling him away from the chapel, Levi took the lead and led me away to an empty closet. He locks it before climbing onto me. His hands roaming onto my leg and pulling my panties to the side. I felt them... Levi starts to play around by pulling them down slowly before tossing them to the side. He pushes me against the wall, raising the dress up enough where he was underneath it.

Hearing his belt unbuckle, I felt him near it, and I blushed heavily. Levi groans heavily as he approached closer, feeling it against me. "I'll be as gentle as I can... and as quick as I can go..."

Nodding, I feel him groaning as he enters, stopping for a second to let me relax. Soon, he starts to thrust slowly but gradually increases his speed. Grunting with every thrust. He mutters my name as the thrusts started to hurt inside me... feeling it ached with pain with every one.

"Ack! L-Levi..." I moaned his name as he grunts onto me.

Not able to hold onto anything else, I wrapped my arms around him, my breasts in his face. My fingers running through his silky hair. He groans, kissing me as he thrusts into me. Oh, how strong he was... strong enough to make me fall for him. Never thought... he was this strong, especially during love-making.

His blue-gray eyes stares me down, "Almost... done... and we can return..." He says as his pace quickens and he groaned a bit louder. It was music to my ears.

"O-Okay..." I managed to smile as he keeps thrusting hard against me.

Soon, I felt that stream in me as Levi slows down, panting from exhaustion. He kisses me passionately on the neck as he pulls out. "Mmm... I'm glad I was able to do it that quickly... liked it, Hanji?"

Nodding, I searched for my panties that he pulled away, finally finding it on the shelf. "L-Loved it... anything from you, I will love it with all my heart..." I say, slipping it back on and tries to catch my breath. He was so good... undoubtedly. "Even if it's a baby..." I giggled softly to him, feeling the baby.

He walks over to me, panting a bit, but doing better than me concealing what deed we did. "Heh... you're cuter with the baby bump, Hanji. Makes you feel... somewhat, amazing... knowing that my first child would be with you..."

Blushing a bit, he opens the door, pulling us both out and he knelt down, fixing my dress. "Levi..." I smiled at him as he attempts to fix the ruffles in the dress. "It's okay, really..."

"Tch... I ruined the dress, Hanji... I'm sorry..."

Chuckling softly, he was such a perfectionist... wanting everything to be clean and properly fixed. And it amazing to see how passionate he is... I remember one time,  just a couple days ago. He got angry at me when my hair wasn't brushed. I told him that he couldn't make me... boy, the way he treated me when he made love to me... more passionately than any other love-making sessions...

He rolls his eyes, "Let's go... they're probably searching for us..."

"I wouldn't want to get in trouble by being late to our own wedding- well, the aftermath. You do need to announce it to your kingdom about me... and I wouldn't think your people would appreciate a king who's late...'

Levi chuckles a bit, "I need to inform them about you, as my queen... and they're not my people... they're ours..."

*   *   *

Soon, Levi dragged me out into the burning sunlight, where the crowd below were cheering with streamers and clapping. I used to be afraid of being near these crowds, to not draw attention to me... but being his queen, I was used to the attention. Used to the kindness they gave to me... even the ladies who teased me... they apologized and wished they would do something for me as an apology.

From the depths of my heart, in the darkest section, I did want to punish them for being cruel to me. Cruel to the point where I felt broken inside... but having this new role as a mother and queen... I held back. I asked them to not ever do that to any other peasant who was like me. Surprisingly, they agreed.

Levi soon spoke in a loud voice, and I heard those words he rehearsed over and over. Often, he asks me to help participate in them... though it ended with us making love. Learned our lesson to not make love when in the ballroom. I felt so embarrassed when servants and maids came inside to prepare the room when Levi was close to releasing...

Shaking my head a bit, I pushed those memories away. I was here with Levi, and that was all that mattered in my life. "And I would like to show the queen... who once was a princess when I chose her... but now, my queen." Levi takes my hand and walks me next to him.

The crowd cheered, and I waved to them... the way I was supposed to. Never waving them, but turning my hand left and right. I should've forced a smile, but holding Levi's hand comforted me, so I didn't give them a fake one. 

Levi starts to purr a bit as he turns me around and holds both of my hands. Tugging on my hands, I fell onto him, but enough where we kissed. The booming of their cheers never seemed to leave my ears.

Finally... I was his queen, and that there was nothing else to say... but soon, we would have a child soon... a prince or princess, I would love them all the same. Royal blood or not, they're still my children, and I'm the one who gave birth to them... they will forever be in my heart...

{LeviHan} Princess of Silver LakeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat