Chapter 6: Royal Surprise

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Hanji's POV

After I agreed to be his queen, well... he spared every minute when he was free with me. Wooing me most of the time. If he was not wooing me, then he was making love with me. Levi forces himself to make sure I was comfortable... not to mention my sudden sickness that came. But soon, that notification that I had to be wed to him, as well as a coronation  to officially name me queen... so much work and so many etiquettes I had to follow with that role... no wonder he kept those secrets away from me.

"Hanji..." Speaking of him, Levi walks next to me, kissing my neck. It was his informal greeting to me. Calling my name in a lustful voice and kissing my neck. Formally, well, he calls me his queen. 

His hand touches against my leg... the only thing that blocked his strong hands from touching my bare skin was the silk dress. Smiling a bit, I felt him push his body against mine. "Hey Levi..." Was all I answered to him before turning over. When I saw his eyes... instantly, I knew he wanted some stress relieved from his heavy shoulders. Kissing his lips, I giggled softly. "We can do it, Levi..."

Those blue-gray stormy eyes softened with lust. "Alright then..." He says, gripping onto the dress, feeling that he wanted to strip them off. His kisses were so powerful as he pushed against me, kissing my neck. They soon drifted down towards my breasts, and I felt warmed by his kisses. "Just remember... you asked for it..." He says in a deep and lustful voice.

My leg wrapped around his waist while I moaned softly. The way he pushed against me... it was so good. Feeling myself grow warm as his lips drifted on my breasts. He kissed them gently, forcing me to giggle a bit. "Levi..." I say to him, wrapping my arms around him. "Stop playing with me..."

He purrs a bit, "So? I like playing..." Levi says to me, as he pushed harder against me. My back already was against the wall...

Hearing someone's clear their throat, Levi stepped back and looks to Erwin. "Levi... you're needed-"

"10 more minutes?" Levi pleads him, but was responded with a shake of his head. "Fine... I'll be there in a minute." He says.

Erwin walks closer, blushing a bit as he walked over. "Hanji, you're also needed elsewhere. You know... your little marriage plans."

Nodding, I understand. My leg fell down to the ground, sighing. Of course, someone wanted to barge into our little session. I felt that I was ready for him... wanting him to make love to me again... but I'm sure we won't have that when Levi's king and I as his queen. Of course... I didn't want that. But if it meant for me to be with Levi, I would do anything to stay with him.

*   *   *

Walking down to the my room, I knew that a seamstress would be fitting me into a wedding dress. Already, the frame was laid out. Opening the door, Nanaba was there, setting out cloth and waiting for me.

"Nanaba." I smiled softly at her as I walked closer to her. 

She greets me with a smile. "Hanji. You ready for this?"

"I'm sure you're gonna make it amazing..." I say, stripping myself from the dress I was wearing and stepped close to Nanaba.

She starts pulling the silky unfinished gown on me, attempting to fit it back onto me, but around my waist... she couldn't button it up. She tries and tries, but soon gave up. "Hanji, something's wrong. We did this yesterday, and there was no problem. It's like your stomach area gotten... bigger..." Nanaba soon looked up to me, a smirk hidden inside. "Well... are we expecting a prince or a princess?"

"W-What?" I asked as Nanaba stands up, adjusting the waist component. "I-I don't think we're expecting any more royalty-"

"Of course we are! Hanji, you're pregnant!"

{LeviHan} Princess of Silver LakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon