Chapter 1: The Ring, My Bestie, and The Contest

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  • Dedicated to Katarina and Caitlin

Me: Hey! Where r u?? I was thinking we could have a sleepover & fangirl over 1D LOL

Kat: Yeah, sure! xDDD I'm @ library. B over in 30?

Me: Yeah, that's fine :D C ya soon!

Kat: Kk ^.^

While I waited for Kat to come over, I got dressed up in my PJ's and went onto the computer to look up more One Direction contests. I am OBSESSED...  I once again entered myself into contests to go to their concerts. I probably won't win ANY of these, but it's always worth a try, right? As I scanned through more contests, the doorbell rang and I got up and walked to the door.

"Heyyy, mah bitchh," Kat said.

"Supp browski??" I said back as I hugged her, "So I entered myself in more 1D contests. I probably won't win anything but it's worth a try, ya know?" I laughed after helping Kat take off her jacket and hang it up.

"Yeah, TOTALLY! I've entered myself in like, every contest out there. I HAVE to meet my Nialler!!!!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, yeah, I know how you feel!!" I said, feeling what she was talking about.

"Ok, I brought over some moooviessss," Kat announced in a sing-songy voice.

"Oh gosh... What movies?" I asked worriedly.

"The Grudge 1, 2, and 3, The Ring, and When a Stranger Calls. And of course, for afterwards, ELMOOOO!!" Kat laughed.

"Oh my gosh, we are NOT watching ANY scary movies! You know how I am with them!"

When I was younger, I had watched part of a horror movie and was terrified for a whole month and cried myself to sleep every night.

"I know, I know, but come on, you're eighteen for Pete's sake!" Kat tried convincing me.

"Oh, ALRIGHTTTT, but once I get too scared, we're turning it off!" I agreed.

"YUSSSS!!!" she said with a big grin.

We walked into the TV room and sat on the couch in front of the TV and popped in The Ring. I hadn't watched it yet and everybody had told me that it was SERIOUSLY scary. So, I brought Brownie (who is my teddy bear from childhood years) and snuggled with him. Kat had her teddy bear, too, and we both sat next to each other and watched the movie.

The beginning wasn't too bad, but towards the middle I got really creeped out. Thankfully, my laptop rang so I ran to it and saw what was up. I picked up my laptop and brought it over to the couch. I opened it up, typed in the password and nearly dropped it to the floor.

I had won one of the contests that provided 2 backstage passes and 2 front row seats to One Direction's next concert in England.

“AAAAHHH!!!!!” I screamed.

“Oh my God!! What?!” Kat screamed back at me, terrified.

I stood up and started jumping up and down with joy. “I WON A ONE DIRECTION CONTEST!!”


“Yes!” I replied.

“Oh my God, when is it? And what do we get? Do we get to meet the boys? Oh my gosh, what am I going to wear? What-“

“Calm down!” I interrupted her while laughing, “I won two backstage passes and two front row seats!!”

“That is awesomeeee,” Kat said to me, “I can’t wait!!”

“I know, right, me neither.”

“So, when is it going to be?” Kat asked.

“Uhmm,” I said as I searched on my computer, “August 29 is the next time they are in London, so yeah, the 29 of August!” I replied.

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