"The ones in the stairwell work and that was a hell of a fight. That girl has moves", she heard Masamune state.

"Light.", she mumbled.

"She is speaking.",Bettison stated.

"What is it Kit?", Sanchez asked closely.

"Light.", she repeated.

"What?", Sanchez asked.

"Turn off the light.", she said.

"Guys get the light.", Ieyasu said. "She may have a concussion."

"I do.", She stated. She knew that already. She felt it as the pounding in her head was growing. She started to sit up when she felt hands on her shoulders holding her down.

"Not so fast Mouse.", she heard Mitsuhide softly speak to her as he pressed her back into her spot.

"Have to get up.", she said.

"Not right now mouse.", He continued. The light was shut off, and her eyes started to flutter open. It was still too loud in the office she seemed to be in. She looked around but then as the blurry double vision made her shut her eyes.

"It's too loud.", she said.

"Guys let's give her some peace.", Masamune said as he started to usher everyone out. "We can figure everything out and then she can fill in the details later."

"Shouldn't we get another Doctor to look her over?", she heard Mitsunari say.

"Between herself and Ieyasu, I think she is covered.", Nobunaga stated.

The room got quiet, and she thought she was alone for a second as she sighed deeply. She then heard and felt a slight movement next to her, she took in a deep breath and held it.

"It's okay Mouse. It's just me.", Mitsuhide said softly.

"Good.", she said. "Can't see too well."

"What happened?", he asked.

"A guy. He looked like a mover. He cornered me in my office, so I ran. I took the stairs in the back of the building. On the stairs, he grabbed my hair and slammed me into the wall. A few times I think.", she started.

"Three times and he punched you as well.", he stated. "We have that on camera."

"Okay. I stabbed him with the box cutter I had in my hand.", she said.

"We have that too on film.", he said softly. " it was an impressive move on your part."

"Then it gets fuzzy. I know I went down the stairs, and there was a door.", she said searching in her mind.

"Yeah, the back door for our section. We heard the door open and then slam shut. We all were in our offices at that time. We got out just in time to see you collapse."

"I don't remember much else. Who was he?", she asked.

"We were hoping you knew.", he said. "He wasn't one of the movers, and he didn't belong to any team. We hoped you knew who he was and how he got to the third floor of a secured building without anyone seeing him or him being caught on tape."

"Never seen him before.", she said.

"Did he say anything to you?", he asked. "Anything that was odd."

"The whole thing was odd. He seemed intent on me though. I can't say more on it, but I had that feeling immediately he was focused on me.", She said. Her head was pounding at that point that the sound of her own voice was painful.

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