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It was the beginning of a new school year and all the students were crowded in the gym for an assembly.

We had gotten a new assistant principal and he wanted to introduce himself to the student body. I honestly don't understand why the school needs so many... Ms. Thompson is enough. We don't need another peppy official wandering the halls exposing other people's business.... I'm sorry, that wasn't fair. She didn't mean any harm I just didn't need certain people knowing that I not only "can't talk " but also have family issues.


I was heading towards the stairs when Ms. Peppy stopped me.

"Hi ! Your Ari Right?"

I nodded although I was a little annoyed with the fact that she called me Ari .

" Well I'm Ms. Thompson one of the assistant principals at this middle school; I'm sorry I didn't get to introduce myself; when you arrive I was out of town. I went to Miami beach over the break... I seem to have gotten a little tan!" she chuckled.

She was definitely tan alright, maybe a little too tan for the cold weather... lucky.

"Anyways, I just wanted to touch bases with you and let you know who I am. Even though I'm not a counselor I still am here if you want to talk. I can imagine how hard it must be to move to across the country and lose all your friends and stuff. I personally never moved to a different state before but I have transferred to a different school and I know it can be difficult."

I nodded and smiled, hoping the conversation would be over soon.

" Also if you ever want to talk about your family I'm here for you. I know it can be hard when your parents split up. Most children tend to believe it's their fault when their parents split," It is most definitely not my fault.. if any ones at fault it's him. " I know when my parents got a divorce I thought that I was the reason they hated each other..." My parents are not divorced, they are just split. There's a difference; although sometimes I think it would be best if they were. " Anyways I don't mean to bore you with my life stories, like I said I just wanted to let you I understand and that I am here. I won't hold you up anymore, My office is right next door to the main office. Stop by if you want to talk and I hope to see you around Ari ! " it's Ariana.

I turned around and was headed for the stairs; when I noticed London and Sydney from gym class smiling at me.

London and Sydney were the most well known girls on campus. They were both in the eighth grade and were friends with everyone...everyone except me. They had decided from day one that I wasn't worthy of associating with them. But yet when the teachers were around I was their "BFF". It made me angry how they were able to get away with their good girl images with just a smile. Which is what they did as Ms. Thompson walked down the hall.

"Good Afternoon girls!"

"Good Afternoon Ms. Thompson!" they replied smiling.

"Are you guys okay? The bell rung a few minutes ago."

"Oh yeah were fine we were just waiting for are friend Ari! " said London as they both walked toward me, Sydney putting her arm around me.

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