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"Isn't it nice!"

My mother said smiling brightly as we pulled into the driveway of our new house.

"Its beautiful!" . I lied.

I wanted to go home, sit on the porch and eat popsicles. Like I always did. It was easier that way.
I missed being able to put my feet in the burning sand and smell the salty air of Florida's beaches. Yes, I know. NC has beaches. but they don't smell the same.
The very air i breathed was different. And I hated it.
But I couldn't tell her that. She didn't deserve it and It wasn't her fault. It was mine; and
considering all the hospital bills and trips she had to put up with, I owed this to her.
So I didn't complain. I went along with it.

I knew that is was hard for her leaving. She loved my father and she didn't want to leave. But he wasn't himself anymore. He had changed and was unrecognizable. So Mom thought It was best that we leave. And I agreed.
I wasn't on good terms with my father and frankly I kinda needed a fresh start. I just didn't want to start over.
Starting over meant I would have to make new friends and that hasn't always come easy to me.
I was never really the social type.
I would always break out in cold sweats whenever I would have to speak to people.

Going to a school where everyone's known each other since kindergarten wasn't going to be easy. None of them knew me. Which in a way I guess is a good thing. I could finally loose my reputation of being the crazy girl.

Sometimes I wish to be like everyone else and not have issues every time I step outside the house. That would be nice. Being normal for once. But I can't. Because I'm not normal, and i know that . So I'll just have to deal with it.
I don't want to.


A/N: hoped you enjoyed the first chapter... I'm sorry that it's so short😬.
I wasn't quite sure how to start it and kept starting over😅.
I promise the next chapters will be longer.😊



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