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I had arrived at the school a little early  for a tour of the school. Luckily my classes were all in one building (excluding P.E.). This campus was twice the size of my old school. My other middle school had one building, this one had six.

After the tour~

I still had about 30 minutes till my first class started, so I decided to sit in the courtyard outside the building.

I pulled out my headphones and played my playlist.

Now playing -- Hold Me Tight  BTS

🔀      ⏪      ⬛      ⏩      🔁

5 minutes later~

Students slowly started to trickle in and  the crowd eventually got large.... a little too large. I quickly dashed to the stairs. As I was running up the stairs I ran into someone. It was a guy... avoiding eye contact I apologized and ran to my class. He called after me but I ignored him.

Great job Ari. If you keep acting like this you'll have tons of friends in no time! Keep being anti social cause it sure is helping! #POSITIVITY!*face palm*

I pulled out my headphones and walked though the door of my math class.

While still looking at his laptop, Mr.Van said, "No students allowed in the classroom until the bell has rung."

"I -I'm sorry I'm new, I -I didn't know"

Crap... I'm stuttering. Great.

He looked up.

"No I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I was getting a new student in my first period. What's your name?"

"Ar-Ariana Rodgers"

He flipped though some papers.
"Um..yeah I don't have you on the list. Do you have your schedule with you? "

I handed him my schedule.

"That's weird it says your in my first period class but I don't have you in the roster-"

*Ring!*  *Ring!*

I jumped and cover my ears at the sound of the bell. That's gonna take some getting used to.

Students began walking into the classroom.

"You know what, we will just follow the schedule for today and I'll ask the office about it later"

I nodded.

"I'll find you a seat once everyone has sat down... I know I have empty seats I just don't know where."

Soon everyone entered the classroom and were all staring at me. I averted my eyes and stared at the floor.

"Good Morning class, as you can see we have a new student joining us today. I want everyone to give her your full attention as she introduces herself. Ariana, go ahead and tell us a little about you."

I looked up. Everyone was staring, waiting for me to say something.


I looked down at my feet.

Suddenly someone walked into the class. He looked at me and smiled shyly. Then he looked at the teacher.

"I'm sorry I'm late.. I had got called to the office."
Something about him looked familiar.

"Ooh you bad boy!"
Said another guy in the class... he also looked familiar.

"It's okay don't let it happen again. And Peyton lets stop with the commentary. Ryan go ahead and take your seat."

He walked past me and sat in his seat.

"Ariana, you can sit in the empty seat next to Ryan"

Ryan... Ryan... Ryan. I walked to my seat and sat down.

Where have I heard this name before?



I dropped my hand and looked over at the two boys.

Back to the presence~

"Crap." I whispered.


A/N: ooh oh oh it's getting juicy😏....I'm sorry. I'm tired and it's been a long day.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter... I might not post as many chapters this week due to a hurricane and possible power outage but I will try my best to keep you guys updated.😅 that is if I don't die in the disaster😂😂

( I'm sorry again that wasn't funny I just tend to use humor in uncomfortable situations)

I also will be posting a chapter with classifications/ things you need to know soon, so be on the look out😄

Once again thank you to those of that read my book it means a lot to me... I also want to shout out:

These guys are amazing writers so go show them some love by following them.... Also fire_wolf05 and arudnick recently joined the all the boys i have loved before contest so go vote for them! You won't regret it!



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