Chapter 62

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Dean stifled a yawn, looking at Roman. "The main event hasn't even started, and I'm already falling asleep."

Roman grinned. "Well, you're in luck. It's starting now."

Dean sat up straighter and looked down at the ring. Standing inside was ring announcer Charlie. She raised the microphone to her mouth.

"The following contest is a six-man tag team match scheduled for a one fall!"

The crowd cheered. "Introducing first, at a combine weight of 702 lbs., the New Day!"

From backstage, Dean could hear Big E's voice. "Awwww, Cincinnati! Don't you dare be sour! Clap for your world famous, two time champs, and feel the power! It's a new day, yes it is!" Their music started, and New Day came out, Big E first, then Xavier Woods, and finally Kofi Kingston.

Dean clapped, but stopped at the look on Roman's face. "What?" He asked defensively.

"I thought you were rooting for Seth." Roman said, a small smirk on his face.

Dean shoved him. Then he shrugged. "I like the New Day, too."

Roman just rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to the ring. After a moment, he nodded. "I mean, Xavier's pretty hot, so I see where you're coming from."

Dean raised an eyebrow but just ignored him.

Next, the Dudley Boyz' music hit. They came out in their trademark camo gear, walking down to the ring. "And their opponents, first, at a combined weight of 565 lbs., D-Von and Bubba Ray... the Dudley Boyz!"

They slide into the ring, glaring at the New Day across from them. Xavier Woods was busy playing the trombone he always carried. Bubba Ray, meanwhile, looked like he was ready to snap the instrument in half.

Then Seth's music hit. Dean cheered, raising his hands in the air. Seth came out, wearing a black-and-white shirt with his initialed logo on it.

The crowd was excited; Seth was a favorite in this match.

"And finally, from Davenport, Iowa, weighing 217 lbs., Seth Rollins!"

As he came down to the ring, he walked around the right side, a rare occurrence. It happened to be, however, where Dean and Roman were sitting. He saw them and stopped dead, a small smile breaking out on his face.

Then, to Dean's shock, he walked over to them. Dean got up, leaning on the barricade. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a security guard approach, but Seth discreetly waved him off. The guard looked confused, but stepped back.

Seth came up to the barricade and leaned close to Dean, his lips close to his ear. "After the match, go wait for me in Section 118. Wait for it to clear out. I'll be there, promise." He whispered all this softly, then pulled away, smiled, and slid into the ring.

Dean could feel his cheeks burning. He stood there, motionless, until Roman grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back down into his seat.

"You okay?" He whispered.

Dean nodded numbly. "He just... on live TV..."

Roman grinned slightly. "Well, you can be sure the camera wasn't on you."

Dean bit his lip, blushing harder. "I'm kinda glad, to be honest. I don't think I could've dealt with the media talking."

Roman pat his shoulder. "Oh, there will still be plenty of that, don't worry."

Dean smiled at him. "I'm sure."

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