Chapter 36

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It turned out Dean's father did not see it as valid. He'd never been known to be the most logical of people to begin with.

"So, let me get this straight. My son missed school because your flight was delayed?"

Roman scratched the back of his head nervously. "Cancelled, actually. Security issues, they grounded the flight."

"I see." Mr. Ambrose was shooting daggers through Roman's skull. "Roman, you promised me that you would get my son back within the time I gave you."

As anxious as Roman was, he was grateful that Mr. Ambrose seemed to be mad at him, and not Dean. "Yes sir." He said quietly.

"Swore up and down."

"Yes, sir." He said again.

"Well, it seems I was wrong to trust you. Dean is not allowed to associate with you anymore." Roman's heart skipped a beat.

"What? Dad, it was one day! He didn't have control of the flight!" Dean snapped, stepping forward. It was the first thing he'd said since they'd arrived.

"Dean, we will talk about this later." His father's voice had a dangerous edge to it.

"Dean-" Roman grabbed his arm, but Dean yanked it away.

"We'll talk about it now!" Dean demanded.

His father's eyes flashed. He grabbed his son by the arm and pulled him into the kitchen, talking low and fast.

Roman knew better than to follow them, so against his protective instincts he stayed rooted to the ground where he was, listening to the angry voices.

There was a harsh sound, then silence. A moment later Dean appeared in the doorway, tears pricking his eyes. A bright red handprint shone on his face.

"We're leaving." He said quietly.

Roman opened his mouth, then closed it, pushing down the rage that was quickly building inside him. He just nodded. He opened the front door for Dean and together they walked out to the car.

When they were both inside Roman leaned over and pulled Dean into a tight hug. "You're staying with me from now on."

"Yeah." Dean said softly.

"Good." With that, Roman let him go, and he drove home in silence.

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