Chapter 45

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Dean slid into the passenger seat of Seth's car about twenty minutes later; Seth had had to grab his things.

Dean couldn't suppress the smile on his face as Seth got into the driver's seat. "You wear glasses." He said happily.

Seth glared at him. "Shut up." He muttered. Dean did so, but continued to smile, staring out the dark window as Seth put the car in drive.

After a moment, Dean turned to look at Seth. "Do you think Roman's okay?"

Seth frowned slightly. "You tell me. Does he usually answer his phone?"

Dean nodded. "Almost always. The last time he didn't was..." he trailed off, a feeling of dread growing inside him.

"Dean?" Seth glanced at him in concern. "What is it?"

Dean swallowed the lump in his throat. "The last time he didn't respond, he was with Randy." He said quietly.

"Well, that's not necessarily a bad thing." Seth replied. "Randy's a good guy."

"Seth, he slept with Randy."

"What?" Seth's eyes were wide. "You're joking, right?" Dean stared.

"Randy didn't tell you?"

Seth stopped at a red light and turned to look at him. "No. He didn't."

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