Chapter 48

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A/N: Hey guys :D Miss me?

It was Roman who woke up first in the morning to his alarm, shutting it off before gently shaking Dean.

He groaned. "What time is it...?" He mumbled.

"Time for school." His friend murmured in reply.

"Hell... no..." Dean whispered. He rolled over to look at Roman. "I'm taking a sick day."

"That doesn't sound like a half bad idea." Roman said, propping himself up on his elbow.

Dean grinned slightly. "So, what should we do today?"

Roman shrugged. "Watch wrestling, I guess. What else do we ever do?" He laughed as Dean shoved him, glaring.

"We do have lives, you know." He said. "Well, I do, anyways."

It was Roman's turn to shove his friend.

Dean smiled and yawned, stretching. "The first thing we're doing is going back to bed." He said tiredly. He rolled back over and closed his eyes, burrowing back under the covers.

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