Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)

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:::Alekszander's Point of View!!!:::

"Hey, Zy?"


"Can I ask you a personal question?"  I could feel my face getting red.

Zy gasped and put his hand over his mouth.  "Did you start your period?!?!"

"Ugh, noooo! That happened a long time ago!"  I giggled.  Oh how I love being able to joke around like this with someone.

"Oh, then sure bro." 

"What do I do?"

Zypher looked at me all weird.  "What do you mean hun?"

"What do I do about Kaytii?  Do I go to her funeral, or do I just disappear from the Holacastyrs lives?"

"Hmm..... I know she treated you like a little kid, but it would be kinda disrespectful to her mom and dad if you didn't go.  I mean, you were like a son to them."

"Ah, you have a point."

"Of course I do.  I always think about the little things, and that's why I'm gonna be a Suicide Counselor."

"Oh, one other thing Zy."


"Will you go with me?  I really don't want to go alone."

Zypher interlaced our fingers gently.  "Of course I will."

I wrapped my arms around my best friend.  "Thank you so much ZyZy.  You have no idea how much this means to me."

"You wouldn't make me do something I didn't want to alone, so I can't let you do this alone."

Our lips met sofly, and caressed each other.  The simple touch of Zypher's skin on mine, covers my body in chills, and sends me on a roller-coaster ride to Heaven.

Zypher smiled in the middle of our kiss. 

"What?  Why are you smiling?" 

He kissed the end of my nose >_< That turns me on. 

"You're shaking."

I glanced down at my hands.  I really was shaking, like a drug addict going through withdrawls. O__O I'm not a drug addict, just so you know. 

"Awww! You're blushing about it!"

"Shut up!" I squeeled, playfully pushing him.

"Don't be embarrassed Aley, it's cute!"


~~~Kaytii's Funeral~~~

:::Zypher's Point of View!!!:::

"A life taken to early, now at peace with the Lord.  Please, Lord, take care of such a young precious soul, and may she watch over us from you holy palace."  The minister droaned on and on. 

"Psst."  Aleks tapped the back of my hand.  "What do I do if they want me to talk about her?"

"Uhmmm.... Just talk, I guess.  Honestly, that's all you can do."

"Hopefully I won't have to." 

"If they want you to, just tell them that you lost your voice." I giggled just a little.  In middle school, that was how I always got out of talking.

"Ahhh! ZyZy, your a genius!"

The minister kept talking and talking about things.  I wasn't even paying attention.  Aley was staring into space, I could tell he was bored out of his mind.

Kaytii's mom was histerical about the whole thing.  She was crying her eyes out, and all that fake drama.  I can't believe she's that crappy of an actress.  You'd think she would be better, especially at her own daughters funeral.  Tsk, tsk.  It's ridiculous anymore. 

I think Aley's gonna fall asleep, which would be really cute, being that his head would end up on my shoulder.  Don't you think that would be cute?

"Kaytii was just so.....so young!"  Mrs. Holacaustyr sobbed.  "I don't get why! Why she did this!  All the pain she's going to put us through!!"  

"Oh my freaking God.  Could she possibly cry anymore obnoxiously?" Alekszander facepalmed.  He couldn't possibly get any cuter.

A lazy yawn escaped my mouth.  "Aley, can we leave?  I'm gonna pass out soon."

"Yeah, because I'm tired, and I'm beginning to get a headache." He rubbed his temples.  "Let's go."

We jumped into my car, and drove towards Aley's apartment. 


Author's Note:: 

Sorry for the short chapter, it was late at night, and I'm half dead, so... yeah.  My brain isn't working very well.  xD Well, I hope you like it anyway, even though it was pretty short.  Uhhhhmmmm...... just please forgive me, I promise to make the next chapter longer! :D  Oh yeah....! By the way!  There is a pretty sexy picture of Zypher on the side! :DDDD

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2012 ⏰

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