Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)

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:::Alekszander's Point of View!!!:::

I wonder if Zypher knows that I've never done anything like this before.  Not even with Kaytii.  I wish I was still a virgin, I hate thinking that I lost my v-card to a whore that I thought I loved, instead of knowing I'm giving it to a man I love.  I know Zy isn't a virgin, but technically he is.  I know that's confusing so I'll explain. 

See, when Noel and Zypher were together,  I never really liked Noel.  He was always pushing Zy to do things,  and taking him away from me.  Noel,  was always kinda, aggressive and rude to me.  Zy never really noticed because he swore up and down that he was in love with Noel.  I did.  I repeatedly told Zy that I was worried to let him be alone with Noel, because I thought Noel was up to no good.

Well, the one day that I wasn't able to tag along with Zy, Noel took his chance.  I was out of town, but Zy text me the entire day. 

~~Text Conversation One Between Zy & Aleks~~

Zy: Hai :3

Aleks: Herrow :P r u havin fun?

Z: Yesh we r @ the lake

A: O tht sounds fun.  Let me know if anything goes wrong. K?

Z: Of course I will. 

Zy didn't text me for about two hours, so I figured everything was going good.  Another hour went by, and I began to worry, so I text Zy.

~~Text Conversation Two Between Zy & Aleks~~

A: Zy? Is everything ok?

Z: No.

A: What happened?

Z: I don't want to talk about it.

A: Do I need to come get you?

Z: Yesh, please.

A: K, I'll be there in about 45 mins.

Z: Please hurry.

A: R u hurt?

Z: Yes.

A: Is he still there?

Z: No, he left after he..... No, he's gone.

A: Ok. Hang on ZyZy, and don't move.

Z: Ok

*Aleks' Flashback*

"Alekszander?  Is something wrong?"  Aunt Emery asked.

"Uh..."  I was fumbling to get my car keys, "Yeah, Zypher's down at the lake, and he said he's hurt."

"Oh shit."  She ran over to a small cabinet. "Here, take my car."

I gave her a huge hug, and grabbed the keys from her hands. 

"Thanks Aunt Em!"

"Hey!"  She ran after me.  "Bring him back here!  Don't you dare take that boy to the hospital!"

"Ok, Aunt Emery!"  I jumped in the car and hit the gas.

:::Zypher's Point of View!!!:::

I can't believe it!  I thought he loved me?!  But then he goes and does this?  WHAT THE FUCK! 

I wasn't ready, and he did it anyway, forcibly.  He took what was most important to me, and now I can't ever get it back.  I just wasn't ready.  I never should've agreed to go out without Aleks being here.  What if Aleks was the only reason this hadn't happened already?  

It seemed like forever had passed and there was still no sign of Aleks. 

~~Text Conversation 3~~

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