Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)

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:::Zypher's Point of View!!:::

What the hell is taking Alekszander so long?  The mall closes at 7:00.  We can't be wasting time!  I felt a tiny tug on my pants.  I knelt down. 

"What can I do for ya' Miss Callie?"  I asked. 

"I'm hungry."  She whispered. 

"Well we can't have that, now can we?" I laughed.  "What would you like to have?" 

"Umm.... Taco Bell!"  She smiled.  I picked her up and held her on my hip.  We wandered around the food court until we finally found Taco Bell.  I sat her on the counter while we waited.

"So, what are you going to have?"  I asked.  

"Well, tacos! DUHH!!!" She laughed and smacked me on the forehead.  "Silly boy!" 

"Well." I huffed jokingly. "Of course you're going to have tacos!" I tickled her causing her to giggle and laugh uncontrolably. 

"Hello!  Welcome to Taco Bell.  What can I get you?"  A really cute guy said from behind the counter.  

"Umm.... one Crunchwrap Supreme, and one Soft Taco for the little one."  I smiled handing him a 10. 

"She's a cutie."  He said nodding his head towards Callie.  "She looks just like you."  

"Oh, hahaha, um... she's not mine."  I blushed. 

"Really?"  He seemed surprised.  "Umm... wow, now I feel stupid."  He commented running his fingers down the base of his neck. 

"Yeah.  She got lost so I'm waiting for my friend so we can help her find her sister."  I said.  Oh my god Zypher!  He's hot!  Don't blush.  Don't you dare fucking blush.  You loser!  You're blushing!  Stop it!  

"Oh, I had a situation like that before too.  Mine didn't end so well though."  He looked really sad.  I wanted to jump across the counter and hug him.  

"What happened?  I mean, only if you want to talk about it."  Stupid!  Why did you ask that?  Of course he doesn't want to talk about it. 

"Well, the mall was packed full that day.  I mean there were tons of thousands of people here. I was minding my own business cleaning off tables, when this little boy came up and asked me if I worked here.  He then explained that he had been looking in a toy store when he lost track of his mom."  He explained staring straight into my eyes.  I had to force myself not to blush. 

"Oh my god, that's horrible!"  I exclaimed, leaning my elbows on the counter. 

"Oh, it gets worse.  I'm sure you remember that day last year, when we had that big shoot-out.  Well, his mom was one of the victims.  Shot straight through the heart.  It killed her instantly, thank god she didn't suffer."  Tears were filling his eyes, and you could tell that he was trying to push them back. 

"What happened to the boy?"  

"I took him to his aunt's house.  He then explained that I was just trying to help him find his mom."  

"So does he live with his aunt now?"  

"Nope.  After about 2 or 3 days I got a call.  He had asked his aunt if it was possible that he could live with me.  He had explained to me that his dad had left after he was born.  His aunt talked with the rest of the family, and they thought it would be a good idea for him to have some sort of father figure in his life."  He smiled.  "Would you like to meet him?"

"Yeah, sure!"  I exclaimed. 

"Tyler, someone would like to meet you!"  He called over his shoulder.  Out from the corner, a little boy peeked out.  "Come on, don't be shy.  They won't bite."  Tyler walked around, and grabbed Kyle's hand. 

"Hi, Tyler.  I'm Zypher, and this is Callie."  I said waving. 


"Oops, here's your food guys.  Um.... enjoy, and I hope you find her sister." Kyle said cheerfully with a smile as he slid Callie and I our tray.  "Good luck, Zypher."  Kyle waved as we walked away. 

Callie was staring at me as we ate.  It was cute and creepy all at the same time! 

"What are you staring at?"  I asked with a mouthful of food. 

"You liked Kyle."  She whispered. 

"No, I didn't you silly girl."  Was it that obvious? 

"Yesh you do!  Everytime he talked or looked at you, your face got really red."  She was laughing so hard as she was speaking. 

"He was pretty good looking."  I said under my breath.  She was gawking at me. 

"So you do like him!  I knew it!  AWWWW!"  She giggled scooting next to me.  "You guys would look cute together." 

:::Alekszander's Point of View!!::: 

"Zy!"  I shouted. I know he could hear me because his head lifted. 

"Aleks!"  He waved me down.  I took the seat next to him, mainly because I didn't want pissy Kaytii sitting next to him. 

"So," I said nodding my head toward the little girl sleeping against his arm, "is that the little girl we're helping?" 

"Yup.  Ain't she cute?"  He was smiling that cheesy smile that he's known for. 

"Actually yes, she is.  She is very cute. Honestly Zy, she looks like you."  I laughed. 

"She's a sweetheart.  She's really silly too."  

I have never seen the look in Zypher's eyes that I do right now.  Boy, he must really like this little girl.  He seems so happy with her.  I wish we didn't have to find her sister.  Or, even better, she was his, not someone elses.  "Well, what's her name?"  I asked shaking the ridiculous wishes out of my head. 


"Well, Callie.  We're gonna help you hun." 

Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now