Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)

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:::Zypher's Point Of View!!!:::

"So, Kaytii's dead?"  I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Yes."  Melissa stuttered.

What is Alekszander going to think?  Worse than that, how am I going to tell him that his girlfriend is dead?

There were several long minutes of silence.



"Please tell Alekszander.  I don't think I could break his heart like that.  THe wedding was so close."  My jaw hit the ground.

"What do you mean 'the wedding was so close'?  Aley never told me that him and Kaytii were engaged.

"Aleks didn't tell you?  I thought you guys were close?"

"No, Alekszander hasn't said anything about anything."  Ouch. :\


"Why would Kaytii kill herself?"  I knew I probably shouldn't have asked, but I wanted to know.

"Honestly, I don't know.  She never mentioned any problems at school or anything."

So, everyone knows I HATE Kaytii, and I'm gonna be an ass.  I bet she did it for attention.  I mean, would it surprise you? 

"I'll let Alekszander know."

:::Alekszander's Point Of View!!!:::

"Aleks!  Wake the fuck up!!!!"  Zypher was yelling and shaking me violently. 

"What do you want?"  I rolled over to a terrified Zypher.  "Zy?  What's wrong?"

"Aleks;" he paused. I could see tears forming in his eyes.  "Kaytii is dead."

"What do you mean?"

"She killed herself."

Kaytii is dead?  There's no way she's dead.  She's never been suicidal.

"Zy.  I think you were dreaming."

"I wish I would have been dreaming.  Her mom, Melissa, called me.  She was looking for you."  A tear rolled down Zypher's porcelain face.  "I'm so sorry."

"I....I can't believe she's gone."  I cried.

"I'm so sorry Aley.  I can't imagine the pain you must be going through.  She was your girlfriend, your fiance."

"My what?"

"Fiance.  Didn't you propose to her?"

"No!  I would NEVER marry her."

"Well, I think she told her mom that you proposed."

"That bitch.  She knows I'm not ready to get married."  GOD DAMMIT!  Now everyone is going to think I didn't tell anyone. 

"So, wait.  You didn't ask her to marry you?"  Zypher had that face that when you text it looks like this. O.o

"You mean you actually......"  I busted up laughing.  "Why would you think I would marry her?" 

Zypher's face turned bright red.  "Well,"  he rubbed the back of his neck.  "You guys, have been dating for a long time now." 

"So that means we're gonna get married?"

"I don't know. I just.... I guess it would make sense for you to get married."  Zy was no longer looking at me.  He was staring at the ground, playing with a piece of his hair.

"Zy, I wouldn't marry her."  I lifted his head.  "What's wrong?"

"I don't want you to get married." 

"I'm not getting married any time soon."  I scooted by Zypher's side.  "Besides, I couldn't marry Kaytii anyways, because she's a witch to you."

"I'm no reason to not get married to the one you love though." 

"Yes you are.  Zypher, you're my best friend, and I'm not gonn let some stupid girl ruin that."

Zypher blushed as I wrapped my arm around his waist.  We were really cute together.  Everyone had thought that we were a couple during middle school.  I mean, we weren't a couple, we just hung out ALL the time. 

Eighth grade year was when Zy cam out.  He was bullied for quite a while, after everyone found out.  He was passed from foster home to foster home, because no one wanted a gay son.  That's when Kaytii and I started dating.  She drug me away from Zypher. 

Once we stopped hanging out, Zypher developed issues.  He attemted suicide four times.  I never even visited him in the hospital.  I'm a horrible friend. 

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