Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)

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Author's Note!! :DD 

Well, first off, this is a romance story bewteen two GUYS! If you don't like that, leave. Just leave. Don't even take the time to read any further. They're people too ya' know. 



 :::Alekszander's Point of View!:::  

*Buzzzzz  Buzzzz* 

I reached my arm over Kaytii and grabbed my phone. Who the hell would be texting me at,  I looked at the time, 3:11 in the fucking morning?  I slid the phone open,  hoping to see an important number. 4-143-4434   The blinding light of the screen startled me. Who the fuck is that?  

I let the phone vibrate, I couldn't care less to answer it. That would disturb my sleeping Kaytii.  She sleeps like an angel, cuddled into the crevess of my side.  She's my world; my everything.  Hopefully we will be together forever.  Kaytii and I had always been best friends, even since we were little. You know how your parents are always like, 'you two are gonna get married one day'? Well that's how we are.  Our parents always joked about us, even though it was true.  Kaytii and I have been practically conjoined at the hips forever.  We complete eachother.  Even if my best friend Zypher doesn't really like her. I mean, it's my choice who I spend the rest of my life with isn't it? Or am I wrong? Should I be listening to what he's telling me, or do I just keep blowing him off?  Oh well, for now Kaytii and I are a pair.  We are perfect together, and nothing is going to change that.  Not even Zypher.  He's just jealous, because I have such a beautiful and wonderful girlfriend, and he's still single.  

Zypher is an amazing guy, don't get me wrong. He just doesn't open himself up to people very easily.  He's been hurt a lot, and it makes regular life pretty hard on him.  His home life isn't so great either.  His mom is a whore, and his dad doesn't even exsist.  His mom swears he was an accident, when she was having a one night stand.  He finally was able to get emancipated, thank god!  That nasty whore doesn't deserve his love.  I feel bad for Zypher.  I've never felt the love of a true mother or father because I grew up in a boys home.  My parents abandoned me after I was born.  I was raised by some crazy ass bitches.  Whatever y0u do, don't ever eat the 'Mystery Meat.' Blegh! 


7:00 A.M. 

The sun was peeking through my black-out curtains.  I rolled out of bed, careful to not wake my sleeping beauty.  Blinded by the light in my eyes, I searched the floor for my boxers.  Man, life with Kaytii is crazy at night, if ya know what I mean.  That girl is a master at everything.  She's soooo flexible, and perfect.  We'd bought an apartment together about 2 months ago, so far everything was going as planned.  

"Aley?" Kaytii whispered rolling over. 

"Yes baby?" I sat on the edge of the bed. Her hair was covering her face, but she still looked just as stunning. 

"I loved that thing you did with your tongue last night." She said giggling.  Damn, she's cute.  

"Oh really?  I liked the thing you did with your tongue too!"  She's amazing in bed.  Man, the things she can do.  Just one look at her and you wanna fuck her.  To bad though, cause she's mine, so fuck off. 

"Yeah baby.  You and that tongue of yours is magic.  You hit the spot everytime."  She layed her head in my lap and started playing with my boxers. 

"Hahahaha, I try hun.  I just wanna make sure you're satisfied and not left hanging."  I ran my hand over her tight body.  She's everything any guy could ever want.  She never says no to sex.  EVER.  Are you jealous yet? 

"You satisfy me everytime.  Don't you ever worry about that."  She kissed down my stomach, and ran her lips over my crotch.  "What are you doing up this early anyway?  You're never up at this time, especially when you've had a playful night." She smiled under her black hair. 

"Oh, I thought it would be a good day to go for a little shopping spree.  I know how much you love shopping."  I brushed her hair out of her face.  

"Really?! I'll be ready in 5 minutes!"  With that she jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. 


:::Kaytii's Point of View!::: 

Dammit! I love that boy to death, but he sucks in bed! >:(   God, I was hoping after I stole his fuckin' virginity, he'd be better.  Boy was I fuckin' wrong.  Where the hell did he learn to have sex?  A zoo?  Oh well, at least he buys me whatever I want.  Hahahaha I'm such a bitch aren't I?  

Quickly I did up my hair, gotta look good.  Alekszander sure is hella sexy and all, but sometimes I think about all my other options.  I mean, seriously I'm sexy enough to be a fuckin' Playboy Bunny.  I have guys on their knees begging me to fuck them; half of which are 40 times hotter than Alekszander.  He's one fuckin' lucky ass boy.  He better realize that too.  Dumbass.  

I slipped on my tightest skinny jeans, my highest heels, and slipped on my lowest cut shirt.  Do I look like a whore?  Fuck no.  I look like a sexy bitch that knows how to flaunt what my mama gave me!  I strutted out of the bathroom, hair done, makeup on, looking pretty sexy.  

"Whoot woo!" Alekszander whistled in my direction.  I spun around flaunting my sexy body.  "Lookin' sexy babe!" 

"Well of course dumby! I can't leave the house looking crappy!"  I squealed. 

"I love you Kaytii."  Alekszander said kissing my forehead. 

"I love you too Alekszander."  

Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now