Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)

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Chapter 2! 

Author's Note!!:: 

The Unicorn Society is coming for you.  They know everything. O.o  You should probably hide everything under your bed.  They will find you. 



:::Zypher's Point of View:::

Folding clothes sucks.  Why can't we just put them on hangers? I mean seriously, people just mess them up anywhoo.  I thought as I lowered myself to the floor of the store.  You've heard of Hollister before right?  Of course you have.  Who hasn't?  Well, I Zypher Thomas, the razor-slashed-hair-band-tee-skinny-jean-converse-wearing, so-called emo kid, work here.  In a prep store (no offenses to anyone that wears Hollister, I just don't like looking like a billboard everywhere I go).  

I was in Narnia (A/N:: hahaha I just had to bring freakin' Narnia into the story) when I heard a tiny cry from behind my fort of shirts.  Being the caring person I suppose I am, I spun around on my ass to see a tiny little girl standing in the corner of the store.  From where I was, I could tell she was crying.  

I knelt down to her face.  "Hey, are you ok?"  I guess this is how you communicate with a child.  I wouldn't know. 

She didn't reply to me, only spun around and faced the wall.  

I layed my hand on her shoulder, and she slowly peeked over her shoulder.  I smiled a cheesy smile, hoping that it made me seem less intimidating.  I'm not that intimidating though anyway.  A fuckin' fly could beat me up.  I guess my plan worked because the little girl turned around.  Tears streaming down her face.  

"Hi pretty little lady. I'm Zypher."  I said sticking out my pointer finger for her to shake.  She smiled a cute little grin. 

"Hi tall silly boy.  I'm Callie."  She sniffled between words.  She was adorbale! 

"Well, Miss Callie, are you lost?"  I wiped a tear from her chin. 

"Yeah. -sniffle- I'm here with my sister and her boyfriend."  Callie whinced.  Poor thing.  I remember getting lost in the mall.  It's never fun.  Hmm... maybe I can help her find her sister.  If I find her sister, ooohhh, that bitch is gonna get it!  What the fuck was she thinking, not paying attention to her little sister.  Grrr.  Dumb bitch.  

"Well, I'll tell you what Miss Callie, my shift ends in about 3 minutes.  I'll clock out and we'll go find your sister together.  How about that?"  I brushed her hair out of her cute little face.  

"Okay Mr. Zypher." 

 :::Alekszander's Point of View!!::: 

Kaytii and I found our way to Hot Topic.  I love everything about this store!  From the shirts they sell, to the music they play!  It's just my type of store.  Kaytii was dancing to "Six Feet Under The Stars" by All Time Low.  She's so cute, but sometimes I wonder if she's really the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.  Whatever, for right now, she's my world.  (: 

I wandered to the back of the store, just soaking in all the merch.  It's like an emo kids Heaven in here.  That's it!  Hot Topic is an emo kids Heaven and Hollister is an emo kids Hell.  (A/N:: Once again, I'm not judging anyone that wears Hollister or any type of clothing similar to that.  Also, I'm not stereotyping people that shop in Hot Topic, it's one of my favorite stores!)  I reached the back of the store, and pulled out my phone.  

"One New Message From ZyZy" read the screen.  I looked at the time.  Why would Zypher be texting me?  He's been up all night and had to work. He should be at home sleeping.  I thought to myself.  

::Text Message Convo!!::

Zypher:  R U busy? 

Alekszander:  I'm in HT rite now. Y? 

Z:  I need ur hlp. 

A:  W/ Wat? 

Z:  I'm tryn 2 hlp a lil grl find her sis.  

A:  Let me grab Kaytii & We'll meet u n the food court in 5. 

Z: K

:::Kaytii's Point of View!!::: 

"$6.50 is your change Kaytii."  Smiled Dally, they cashier.  When I get bored with Alekszander, I go to Dally.  He's fiiiiine!  "I hope you like your new shirt!"  

"Thanks Dally.  I will meet you at the park tonight at 7. Ok?"  Of course it's ok.  Why wouldn't it be ok?  Dally is fine, but damn is that boy stupid.  He seriously thinks that I love him.  Boy, you're just another game piece to me.  

"Kaytii, we gotta go."  I heard Alekszanders voice from behind me.  

"Whhhyyy?"  I whined.  "I was just gettin' started!"  

"Zypher needs my help, and I don't want to leave you here alone."  Alekszanders face was pale.  He looked as if he'd seen a ghost. 

"Why do you have to go help him? Can't he help himself?"  I snorted.  Damn you Zypher.  You always steal away my time.  Fuck you.  

"He's tryin' to help a little girl find her sister.  Come on.  You know how hard that is, especially in a mall.  Can't you at least pretend like you're even the slightest bit concerned? "  Alekszander begged.    

"No.  Why can't that fag do it himself?  He doesn't need your help for everything.  Besides, I hate faggots. I avoid them at all costs."  I laughed.  I think I'm quite funny; Alekszander's face said otherwise. 

"Zypher is not a fag."  Alekszander's voice screamed 'I'm pissed now.'  "He's not a fag.  He's my best friend, and I don't give a flying fuck what you think.  I'm going to help him with or without you.  Right about now, he's my priority, not you.  I love you and all Kaytii but damn, you're such a bitch."  Alekszander stormed out of the store.  "Stay here or come help.  I don't care either way.  But if you stay, you're finding your own fucking ride home because I'm not hunting your ass down." 

"Damn Alekszander.  Hurtful much?"  I said to myself.  

"Not to ease drop, but it sounds to me like he's gay for.... whatever his name is."  Dally said from behind the counter.  I had forgot that he was there.  

"Oh fuck no.  Zypher is a fag, but he's not changing my Alekszander.  I don't care what it takes.  Alekszander is as straight as a pencil."  I screeched running out of the store, in attempt to catch up with Alekszander.  

"ALEKSZANDER!" I screamed,  "Wait for me!"  Dumb bitch, that's fucking right. Slow that ass of yours down.  I caught up with him quickly, and grabbed his hand.  "I'm sorry baby."  I whispered giving him, what I call, my seductive eyes. 

"I don't care if you're sorry or not.  What you said really pissed me off.  You can't just go around judging my friends.  Especially Zypher.  I don't fucking judge your friends."  He was really pissed.  It was actually really scary.  "Ya' know what Kaytii?"  He said glancing down at me. 

"What baby?"  I smiled just a little.  He's not that mad at me.  

"Don't fucking touch me.  I don't want your hands on me.  Actually, don't even look at me.  I'm pissed at you.  I can't believe you said that and expected me to be okay with it.  What the fucking hell were you thinking!?!"  He shoved my hand away from his. 


"Don't even talk.  You and your fucking bullshit get old quickly.  Have you ever realized that? Hmmm? No I didn't think so.  Think about it next time."  He was soooo beyond pissed right now. 

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.  What are you crying for?  You know you don't even love this boy, so why do his words hurt you so much?  Is it because it's true?  What if he's right?  What if I really am that big of a bitch?  What if Dally was right and Alekszander really does have feelings for Zypher, and I'm just a literal cock-block to him? 

Til Death Brings Us Together (BoyxBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ