"Sounds about right," Marva muttered absently. Fionn knew she wasn't listening, she was too infatuated with the painting.

"So you knew this Myron guy?" Marva nodded, running her fingertips ever so lightly across the painting.

"He was a good friend of mine."

"And I'm the cub? So you knew him when you had me?"

"Yes, he spent a lot of time with you as a child, he thought you were adorable," Marva instructed Fionn to hang the painting by the front door on the nail she had asked one of the other pack members to put up whilst he had been out.

"He was good, where is he now?"

"I have no idea, he had to leave because obviously, he wasn't ageing," Fionn frowned.

"He was a wolf?"

"Oh, no, sweetheart. Myron Rexford was a vampire."

Fionn glanced at the branches high up in the trees above, interlocking just enough to block out the majority of the sun but not darken the forest below too much. He had never spent much time in this part of the woods, it wasn't allowed. He was walking through Dante's territory.

It had been agreed upon with the vampire earlier that day. Fionn's client that he was on his way to meet lived on the far outskirts of Dante's land so, to avoid unnecessary journeys, Fionn had been granted access onto the Isamar estate. Thankfully, he had yet to encounter any of Dante's coven members, he assumed they would have been told he was on the land but he knew how irritating some of them could be.

There weren't many animals on Dante's land, it was eerily quiet, with only the sounds of Fionn's feet crunching through the undergrowth. The client, of which Fionn had already forgotten the name, was expecting him by 4, meaning he had 10 minutes to find the Goddamn house. He was likely to be late, Dante had more land than he had anticipated and he regretted not taking the vampire's offer of his guidance through it.

Somehow, the forest seemed to be getting quieter the further Fionn walked, though he wondered how it managed to do so. There wasn't much quieter you could get than silence. Fionn stopped, glancing around over his shoulder, he had an awful nagging feeling that he wasn't alone.

Clearly, he was just going mad. Fionn shook his head as he continued to walk, ignoring the hairs stood to attention on the back of his neck. It was because he was in Dante's territory, he could probably sense the vampires in the back of his mind, that must have been why.

Five further minutes passed and Fionn still didn't catch sight of the house he had been told to look out for. He sighed, leaning against a tree as he took out his phone to call the client. Three rings and then voicemail. Odd. Fionn tried again but got only the same.

"Mr Harlow?" Fionn's head snapped up at the sound of his name but there was no one there.

"Who's there?" he called out, surveying the spaces between the trees before him. A dark haired man stepped out of the shadows, his lips set in a hard line and his glare trained on Fionn.

"Mr Harlow?" the man repeated, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"Yes, are you-" Fionn's words caught in his throat as something cut off his airways. Whatever it was, it was thin, cutting into the velvet skin on his throat as he was wrenched backwards a few steps. He could only manage straggled, choked noises, unable even to form the thoughts to reach out to his pack in his mind. His eyes began to roll back in his head, his struggling completely useless.

Then, just as quickly as his breath had been taken from him, it returned. Fionn dropped forward onto his knees, coughing and spluttering as he gulped in deep breaths of oxygen. He had to run. He had to turn, to get away. They were hunters, hunters that were going to kill him if he just stayed there.

"Ocie!" Fionn called out in his mind to his beta, his mental yelling hazey and uncoordinated, "call Dante! Hun-" Fionn roared in agony, his thought process instantly cut off by the white-hot pain searing through his right thigh. He looked down, seeing blood seeping through his jeans, discolouring the worn out blue with a murky red.

"Kian!" another voice shouted as Fionn clutched at his wound, trying to drown out the aching sensation flowing through him, "he's not supposed to be fucking wounded!" the man stood in front of Fionn shrugged his shoulders, a half smirk on his lips.

"Couldn't help it, Bruce, he'll heal. Knock him out, if he turns we're fucking dead," little did they know Fionn was in too much pain and too unfocused to force his body to change. He simply laid on the ground, in the twigs and dead leaves, his mind clouded over, helpless. It was a silver bullet, he knew that, a regular one wouldn't have caused such damage at such a fast rate.

"What the fuck was that, Kian?" one of the men sounded very scared all of a sudden. Good, Fionn thought, not bothering to dwell on the why. Fionn couldn't focus his eyes very well, he was staring up at the sky, rather than the two hunters. He had no idea what was going on.

"Bruce, we need to-" the sound of bone cracking and flesh ripping filled Fionn's ears, followed by some pretty pathetic screaming.

"Please, I'm sorry, we were just following orders. Please, you don't have to do this," there was shuffling somewhere to the left of Fionn and he forced his head to turn. One of the hunters, the first one, Kian possibly, was backed up against a tree, blood spattered over him. There was another man, one who Kian was staring at with wide, fearful eyes. He was silent, his head tipped ever so slightly to the side as he listened to Kian pleading.

"Kill him..." Fionn reached out in his mind, wondering if the man could hear him. The man seemed to listen, somehow, and tore Kian's jaw from his skull. Fionn grimaced, his vision may have been blurry but he had heard everything all too clearly and he was beginning to feel queasy.

"Who..." Fionn managed to croak out, his mouth dry and his throat still aching. The man walked closer to him, bending down and lifting Fionn in his arms with little to no effort.

"You really do attract trouble, puppy," Dante muttered with a roll of his eyes. 

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