37 | honeymoon phase

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( normal : natalia )
( italic : noah )

you should be asleep.

how did you know i was
even awake?

...you tweeted ten minutes ago.

oh well, its not that late anyway.

its almost three in the morning,
natty. are you alright?

yeah! i'm fine. i just
can't sleep for some reason so
instead i'm watching the greatest
cinematic masterpiece of our time.

so i take it you're rewatching
mamma mia?


i truly cannot believe i'm dating
someone who thinks mamma mia
is the greatest movie ever.

this is coming from the same guy who
starred in spf-18, so don't think i take
that opinion to heart.

okay, well that was a low blow! we
all know spf-18 was a dark time.

hey well, at least i watched it. i
deserve some sort of brownie
point, right?

you'll get a bunch of kisses when
i come over tomorrow.

oh my god, my house is a mess. i
got way too busy to clean it today, and
i spent three days at yours and now its
a big trainwreck.

you literally don't even sit in your
apartment, i don't understand how
you haven't been evicted yet.

because i'm quiet and pay rent, duh.

yeah, but you stay there one or two
nights out of an entire week. you should
just move in.

......that's too soon.

well i mean our relationship DID
start with third base, so.....

yeah, i know! its just- moving in makes
this so domesticated and i like what
we have now. plus, we've only been dating
for like, what, three weeks now? we're only
in our honeymoon phase! lets make it last.

whatever you say, babe. you're taking
the lead here.

you're cute.

and you should sleep.

whatever you say, dad.


not like that! gross.

hey, if you're into it i won't complain.

.....i'm hanging up now.

alright, alright! i'm joking.

i'm gonna go to bed now, noah.

please promise me you'll actually
go to sleep, not pull an all nighter.

you make it seem like all i do is
pull all nighters.

i know you, natty, and i know you
have those weeks where you don't
sleep at all.

alright, i'll go to bed. i promise.



good night, angel.

good night.




( DURATION : 34:02 )

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