23 | in your arms

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Noah opened the door as silently as he could, slipping into Natalia's apartment before locking the door behind him. He made his way into the kitchen to place the bags of gummy bears Natalia had requested of him onto the counter, then went into the bedroom.

He had ended up taking an hour to get to her apartment, and although he knew she would be fast asleep, he came anyway. His gaze lingered on Natalia's small frame on the bed, the blanket she was supposed to be wrapped in half on the floor rather than her body.

Noah's lips curled into a small smile as he took in the sight of her choice pajama, one of his sweaters. It was huge on her, yet just the fact that she wore his clothes caused a lurch in his heart that he had been trying to ignore for the past two weeks.

After the second time, Noah knew he was in too deep to stop himself. His feelings for Natalia had been there from the start, yet after they had sex he knew he wanted nothing more than to be with Natalia.

His Natalia.

Granted, he knew she wasn't his, and she probably didn't feel the same way he did, but he was already in too deep to let her go. So instead, he buried his feelings and told himself that what they had now was good, and he shouldn't risk it by blurting out that he liked her in a more than friendly way.

With a slightly frustrated sigh, Noah took off his sneakers and sweater then climbed into the bed beside Natalia, pulling the blanket off the floor to cover the both of them. She stirred slightly from beside him, one hand moving up to rub one of her eyes.

"Noah?" Her voice came out low and raspy, causing another lurch in Noah's chest. "Yeah, its me. Go back to bed."

"I'm sorry I left." She whispered, turning her head to face his. "I didn't actually want to."

"Did you expect round two in the morning?" He joked, reaching out one hand to her hip to pull her closer. He knew that the little action was too much, but he chose to ignore the warning signs.

She let out a small yawn, shaking her head against the pillow. "No, but I like it in your arms." She shifted herself towards Noah and leaned her head against his chest. "I like it with you."

Noah lifted one hand to her head, pushing stray hairs away from her face. He then leaned down and pressed a gently kiss to her forehead, "I like it with you too."

She gazed at him with half asleep eyes, her lips holding a small smile as she buried herself closer to his chest. "You're comfier than any bed."

Noah chuckled, tightening the arm that was around Natalia's waist. "I'm always a phone call away."

With that, Natalia drifted off to sleep, leaving Noah and his thoughts running wild. In the back of his mind, he knew she was half asleep and probably didn't know what she was saying. After all, they had been texting and she could have easily said all that.

He let out a small sigh, running his fingers through his hair frustratedly, careful not to wake the girl asleep in his arms.

Noah knew he should be trying to stop his feelings for Natalia, that he should put an end to their hookups and their dirty jokes, but he didn't want to. He didn't want to fall for someone else, or hook up with someone else, because all he wanted was Natalia. And even though he didn't have her completely, the way he had her now was enough that he could settle with.

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