29 | refreshers

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fave bicon ( alexa )
fave hetty ( natalia )

fave bicon
you ok

fave hetty
yeah why

fave bicon
idk you haven't left your
house in 4 days, you're late
an upload, and the last time
you posted on social media
was like a week ago so
whats up

fave hetty
wow keeping tabs on me now

fave bicon
no i'm concerned

fave hetty
i just want time for
myself is that really bad

i've been in and out of
meetings and brand deals
and shoots and i'm just tired

fave bicon
are you sure that's it

fave hetty
if you want to ask something
please ask it straight up

fave bicon
fine what happened with you
and noah

fave hetty
??? nothing

fave bicon
oh really is that why you've
been ignoring his texts and why
you've gone out of your way to ensure
that no one on the internet thinks
ur anything but friends when
last week y'all were literally on a
fucking DATE .

fave hetty
it wasn't a date

fave bicon
going out to dinner together then
having sex isn't a date? then i've
never been on a date lmao

who are you playing

fave hetty
look he said he liked me but i
know he said it out of obligation
and not out of genuine feelings
so i told him that and i don't
know i think he's offended

fave bicon
no fucking shit he's offended that
boy has been pinning after you
for ever

he just thought it was finally time
for him to say it seeing as he bedded
you a few times

fave hetty
no he hasn't he doesn't like me
like that okay its lust

fave bicon
do you really think that low
of him

fave hetty
i know he cares about me but
he doesn't like me that way is all

fave bicon
do you need me to remind you
of all the times that boy has done
shit for you i can't believe
you right now he literally drops
everything when you text or call

if that's not liking you that way
i don't know what is

fave hetty
that's friendship you idiot,
i've dropped everything for you
a bunch of times

fave bicon
no, with noah its different and
you and i both know it

he literally asked to wrap
early TWICE because you got
sick and he wanted to make sure
you were taking medicine, when
lana was also RIGHT THERE
and didn't even bother to do it

lets also remember when you
were on your period and he
drove two hours to buy you your
favorite candy because the cvs in
our town was sold out of it

he cares and he likes you

even if you don't see it

fave hetty
i'm too scared to talk about it

fave bicon
living in fear won't make it happen

you two have something and
you shouldn't let it go cause
of fear, okay?

fave hetty

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