24 | looking at you

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older bitch ( lana )
mads ( madeleine )
fave bicon ( alexa )
hbic ( emilija )
other condor ( natalia )

other condor
so i have a problem

enlighten us please

other condor
sooo remember when you
guys told me getting involved
with noah was a bad idea
and how i would develop

so y'all were right


took u long enough

other condor
i like him a lot

fave bicon
okay wait when did it start

other condor
ok so like last week i went
over to his to hang out but
one thing led to another and
then i left early but he came over
that night and he got me gummy
bears and we cuddled and fell
asleep and the next morning
we had sex again but it was different

fave bicon
how was it different

other condor
it was gentle and soft and
it wasn't filled with horniness
and hormones it was gentle
kisses and i can't get it out
of my head you guys

he likes you back

other condor
no i'm just a girl he beds

no guy goes out and buys a
girl gummy bears and cuddles
with her just because he wants
sex out of it nat

plus he looks at you

other condor
yeah with bedroom eyes
or whatever you keep saying that

older bitch
no its different now

when i came over for dinner
and noah was there he looked at
you like you were the most
beautiful thing in the world

yeah, the first time it was him
looking at you with lust but now
its something else

fave bicon
i say go for it

other condor
i don't wanna ruin it

fave bicon
how many times have
you guys had sex?

other condor
like 5? 6?

i lost count

ok ur friendship is long

just go for it, and if he
starts to reject you just say
it was your hormones talking

other condor
i'm terrified i'll lose him

if you're that scared to lose
him, then you should know
that its already more than
just a crush, natty

but that fear is the best part of
a relationship, letting yourself
fall into them

older bitch
natty i already told you this
before, but noah is one of the
good ones. he won't let you go

give him a chance

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