edited - question time

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Hi guys! I've noticed a lot of you have been reading this book so I was curious if y'all still want me to remake the ending, which means extend it a bit and more detail in the events that I briefly covered or just keep it the way it is, if I do remake it, it'll be dragged angst a bit, but still happy ending. It's up to you guys! Just comment below <3 thanks for reading.

Edited: so I made this series completed for awhile now, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to re-write the ending or not but I've decided to just leave it the way it is.
I just felt the way I made the ending back then despite it being a bit rushed — it kinda fitted the story (?) skdj idk uwu

I have alot of other series rn, if you liked the Instagram format I have 2 others rn:

"I Want U" -Yoonminkook
"You're Pretty" - Yoonkook, Jikook, Minjoon, Vhopejin.

check those out and I have others as well (not Instagram but just story) as a JK X BTS book called "Kiss My Ass"
"You're Toxic" — Yoonkook & Taekook
"I Fluff U" — Yoonkook Hybrid!

ANYWAYS— thanks for the 20k reads like holy shit, this was the second book i made and completed on this app and I feel like some of it is cringe fjdjd but I'm happy you guys enjoyed it <333

Thanks for reading as always dollies xoxo

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