My Inner Demons

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(A/N the voting for the love interest is over and it is Irina, Thanks for everyone that voted, I'll start with their relationship in this chapter though it won't be direct at the moment)

'Y/N the strength i lent you... is extremely dangerous' Guts informed me. I was in my room sitting at my desk, it had been a hassle calming down my mum due to the state of my uniform but i managed to do it. "Yeah, did you see how i fucked up dandydick" i joked as i looked at his sacred gear which was just a deck of cards sitting on my desk 'It's dangerous to both you and your enemy' he warned "Yeah yeah the whole keeping my body together, not feeling pain" i say writing him off 'Just Listen!' He yelled 'The armour pushes you to past what your capable of, it will keep you fighting till your bones have shattered to nothingness or you lose everydrop of blood.' He tells me 'it also makes you give into your inner demons, making you lose all sense of morality and restraint... it rips and tears through your body to pin your bones together! You didn't notice but that final slash broke your arm and the armour forced it into place' he finished. I let the information sink in. 'Just when you use it, only use it unless absolutely necessary, i sealed the armour away don't make me regret it'' he warns as i nod, i place my new arm on the table and inspect it. "Hey Guts can this arm do anything else?" I question 'Yes it also has a flamethrower and a repeater crossbow' he states sounding rather smug "The flame thrower is cool and all but what can crossbolts do against magic?" I ask with disappointment laced in my voice 'I'll have you know it fires Holy crossbolts!' He shouts

"So how do i use the other features?" I question prodding at my arm trying to make them activate 'The crossbolts are fired from the forearm and the flamethrower comes from the pipe on your wrist' he answers as i look at my wrist seeing the pipe 'Now have i satisfied your questions?" He asks as i move over to my bed and lay down on it. "Just one more" i tell him '*Sigh* what is it?' He questions "Why did you choose me?" I ask as he stay silent for a moment 'I saw potential in you, i saw someone who would hold onto their humanity till their last breath. I was much like you once... human, the sword you wield the hand you possess and the armour you wore was mine. I was Called Guts the Blackswords man, i probably didn't go down in history nor did Griffith and his feats and that was for the best. Y/N L/N i want you, no i beg of you... stay human, don't give into your demons and... protect those important to you!' Guts explains pleading to me as i stared into the ceiling of my room "Guts, i promise i will stay human... and i'll do you proud!" I promise raising my left hand high and clenching it tightly 'Thank you' he tells me as i let my hand fall drifting off to sleep.

*Dream state*

"YOU THINK YOU CAN FIGHT WITHOUT ME?" A booming voice questions as i look to see a humongous black dog with red jagged piercing eyes "Who are you?" I ask as it steps towards me slowly "I AM WHAT HE WARNED YOU OF, YOUR INNER DEMONS, YOUR TRUE SACRED GEAR!" It answers each step shaking this empty void "I don't need you! I have everything i need!" I yell before it laughs at me "YOU DIDN'T STAND A CHANCE AGAINST THAT FALLEN WITHOUT ME! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN SOMETHING STRONGER COMES ALONG?" It questions leaning its head down "I'LL BE STRONG ENOUGH!" I snap at him. It slams one of its paws down as the shock wave sends me sliding back, i summon the Dragonslayer and leap at him swinging my sword but it just swipes me away sending me rolling across the ground "SO PREDICTABLE" It taunts before i let my hand fall forward as i aim at the beast firing a blast at it as smoke covers its face from the impact. I stand up as i watch the smoke fade seeing no damage done to the beast, i run forward as i swings its paw but i jump onto it and run up it leg as i aim at the beasts eye firing crossbolts into it's eye "AHHHHHH" It screeches in pain throwing me off sending my tumbling on the ground. "I refuse to accept that you are my inner demons, I'll die before i accept that!" I yell at it placing my hand back in place gripping the Dragonslayer with both hands "THEN SO BE IT!" It yells charging forward opening it mouth open wide as it closes them attemping to eat me. I closed my eye in anticipation but i only heard the rattle of armour as i opened it seeing a tall man with short black hair and one eye wearing armour with the Dragonslayer on his back, he looks back at me as he holds the Demons mouth open, i see my prosthetic hand on his left. "Great choice of words... Y/N" he tells me as i recognize the voice "Guts?" I ask "I'll hold him off for now" he tells me throwing the demon back as he pulls out his Dragonslayer "For now, i need you to wake up" Guts tells me as he is incased in black armour with a beastial looking mask with the same eyes as the demons. He charges forward to combat the demon as his words ring in my head "Wake up... wake up...wake up..."

Normal world

"Wake up" i hear my mum tell me as she rocks me awake, i shot up startling her. "Finally your up" she says as i scratch the back of my head "Sorry" i tell her as she walks out my room to let me change, i get change quickly and leave the house lost in thought as my body runs on auto pilot. 'What did that dream mean?' I question looking at my gloved hand before clenching in hearing slight creaks 'No matter what, i'll keep my promise' i think as i look up and see i've arrived at the school, walking to class my mind wonders as i try to find meaning to the dream but as i reach the class room and go in sitting in my seat my mind focuses on a select few memories from my childhood. I start to remember a pen pal of mine back when i lived in England, she lived in Italy at the time and we got along quite well and thanks to her i learned how to speak and write Italian. She was a devout Christian and tried to convert me to Christianity to save my eternal soul, i remember how she described how she looked, she said she had chestnut hair and lilac coloured eyes and her name was Irina Shidou and we made a promise that if we ever met that we would get married. I sighed out loud as i pushed those memories aside and the teacher placed a piece of paper infront of me then moved onto the next person, looking at it i saw a report card to give to our parents as dome students groaned in disappointment while others cheered in delight but i couldn't stop thinking about her. "Why can't i stop thinking about you Irina?" I question under my breath gazing out the window

??? Pov

I sneezed randomly as my friend looked to me "are you okay?" She asks as i can't help but well glad at her concern "I'm alright, i think someone's talking about me" i tell her "Perhaps it's that Y/N your always tslking about" she queries "I do hope so Xenovia" i say "Why are you so obsessed with this guy Irina?" She asks "because when we were younger, we made a promise that when we met we would get married and i cant help but feel that im finally going to meet him" i answer as i stare into the nights sky

(Lemme know what you think)

The Berzerker Human - Highschool DxD x Male Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now