A Glimpse of True strength

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I walk down the sidewalk and i notice i'm getting stares from some people which is warranted as you dont see a 6 foot tall highschool student with and eyepatch and a single gloved hand in Japan everyday. 'Y/N there are some fallen angels following you' Guts informed me 'The fucks a fallen angel?' I ask him 'A fallen angel is an angel that has been banished from heaven' he answered 'So what do you want me to do?' I ask 'Get to a secluded location and hear them out' Guts told me as i nodded. The sun began to set as i saw a fountain in front of me and stood there, 3 people came out the bushes and came closer surrounding me. "So what can i do for you fine gentlemen and Lady?" I question "Shut it human scum!" An obese fallen angel yells 'I'mma call him perry' i think "Do you know who we are?" One asks who i assume is the leader "Do you mind if i call you Bob?" I ask 'Bob' "my name is th-" "cool so Bob, i think you want to kill me and take whatever powers i have" i say cutting him off.

"Don't talk to him like that!" A female fallen tells me as she stomps towards me"Shhh... do you hear that?" I ask her "Do i hear wh-" she says before her head falls off her and the Dragonslayer appears in my hand "meh, Must have been the wind" i say as 'Perry' charges forward as 2 black wings sprout out his back and he lunges at me with some kind of spear made of light. I raise my sword and block his attack and parry it leaving him wide open and i punch him with my gloved hand as he skids back, i place my sword on my shoulder and do the the 'come at me' gesture as he flys up high and keeps trying to hit me but i dodge him everytime. "Grr STAY STILL!" He barks as i sidestep his attack and kick him into the high street as i follow after him. "What was it you called me? Human scum?" I question as he charges at me and i jump on top of a parked truck and his weapon goes through it. "Now now, that truck isn't your eating disorder" i taunt as he pulls out his weapon "You're a penis!" he shouts as i jump down and kick him into the truck "So long since you've seen yours you've forgetten what one looks like huh?" I ask before he climbs out the truck and he throws the spear at me but i just sidestep it and run forward punching him in the face and grabbing his arm before he can fly away and raising it over my knee. "Please dont break my arm" he pleads "Okay" i reply before lowering my knee and swinging the Dragonslayer slicing his arm off as he rolls around in pain.

"L-look i know w-we said some things but i-i'm sure we c-can work something out w-what do you say?" He questions as i raise my gloved hand "Up high" i say as he raises his remaining hand, but my hand falls forward and reveals a barrel "Down low" i tell him as light builds up "W-W-what?" He askes "Too slow" i answer firing an attack vaporising him. I walk back to see 'Bob' standing at the fountain "So how was killing my subordinates?" He questions "Meh didnt really prove to be much of a challenge" i answer as he scoffs "I didn't think they would" he told me "So then why did you send them 'Bob'"? I ask him putting emphasise in the Bs "To obvserve you're abilities" he answers "Well i hope you put up more of a challenge then those two" i tell him before he chuckles "Oh i will, for i have what you do, a sacred gear" he informs me as 3 playing cards appear inbetween his fingers "Ooh, we gonna play 52 pick up?" I question before he throws a card and i raise my sword to block it but it curves around it and slices my shoulder before exploding. "Mother fuckin- Ow" i complain. He throws two more which i dodge and they explode behind me, he then begins to throw more and more, i dodge one then another comes close to which i slice it in half as two more fly between my sword and explode infront of me making me skid back to which i stab The Dragonslayer into the ground attemping to slow myself down "*Pant* you wanna *pant* stop that?" I question "Oh but its so fun seeing that cocky attitude of yours disappear" he answers, i let my hand fall forward as i charge an attack in the barrel "If you like explosions so much, THEN TAKE THIS!" I yell sending the attack charging towards him as he sends a volley of cards to counter it as they both explode tearing up the place as smoke fills my vision.

Cards come flying through the smoke as i attemp to dodge and cut the cards but some come through tearing my trousers and left sleeve. "Guts im getting my ass kicked" i tell him 'Really? I hadn't noticed' he replies "Now's not the time for sarcasm, what do i do?" I question dodging a couple more cards 'Run' he answers "The fuck do you me-" i get cut off by a card exploding in my face as i get sent flying back and my eyepatch falls off. "This guys got magic cards and magic hands" i taunt forcing myself up with the help of my sword. "I'd like to make a bet with you Human" he offers "Isn't that your shtick?" I question "I'll end your life with just one hand" he tells me "whats your name?" I question "they call me the dandy man" he answers "Then HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT!" I yell standing up straight aiming my sword at him, he throws a hand of cards at me as they fly into me exploding. 'I can grant you this power but only for ten seconds" Guts tells me. "Oh, what a shame for you" i call out as the smoke dies down revealing me in a suit of armour.

"You activated my trap card" i finish dashing foward punching him across the face sending crashing into trees

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"You activated my trap card" i finish dashing foward punching him across the face sending crashing into trees. I run to him as he gets up slowly and hes holding a full deck of cards. "NOW SHOW ME YOUR HAND DANDY MAN!!!" I shout as he sends his deck of cards towards me and i push my Dragonslayer fowards as they clash but my strength overwhelms him and my sword goes straight through the middle of his arm "AHHHHHHH!!" he cries out in pain as he falls to the floor. I pick him up by the hair as bring him face to face with me "Hey dandy man" i say as i whines in response "You lost" i tell him as he nods "now tell me who sent you!" I order before he starts laughing and catches on fire, i drop him as the blue fire consumes him as he turns to ash leaving a deck of cards. 'Times up' Guts says as the armour disappears and i fall the the ground in exhaustion "So, apart from the obvious why do i ache all over?" I question 'It's the armour, it keeps your body together, forcefully and doesnt let you feel pain' Guts told me. I picked up the deck of cards and put them in my pocket as i desummoned the Dragonslayer "So thats why all my wounds are gone" i say inspecting where my founds used to be 'Yes, the armour forced you're skin together' Guts replied. "*Sigh* im gonna need a new school uniform" i complain as i begin walking home

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The Berzerker Human - Highschool DxD x Male Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now