Staying behind

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(A/N did you know its been 1 month and 14 days since i wrote my first story, for me it feels like its been so long ago)

I wake up and look around to see i'm in the ORC clubroom 'What's going on?' I question 'Wait she didn't...' i trail off 'Your still human' Guts told me 'Oh thank god, do you know what happened?' I ask sitting up 'After you collapsed that Asia girl healed your wounds and Rias tried to turn you into a devil but Asia wouldn't let her' He answered as i gain new found gratitude for Asia. "Your awake!" I hear a voice say as i turn to my left and notice my eye is back, i see Rias standing there with her arms crossed under her chest. "Where's Irina?" I question "She left" Rias tells me "Did Xenovia leave with her?" I question "No, she stayed behind and became my newest knight" she informed me as i get up and crack my back "Traitor" i mutter

"I need to see Asia" i tell her "Oh and why is that?" She questions "To thank her for healing me and stopping you from making me devil" i answer as she gets nervous "How do you know that?" She asks as i take a step forward and she takes a step back "The spirit in my sacred gear" i tell her walking past her and bumping my shoulder. I walk into the main room and see all the members lazing around including Xenovia who doesn't look at me, i walk up to Asia as she gets nervous as i tower over her. "Thank you" i say "F-for what?" She stutters out "For treating my wounds and making sure i stayed human" i tell her "I just s-saw how much being h-human ment to you" she states

"Xenovia" i call out "Yes" she replies "Why become a Devil" i ask her "After i found out god was dead i was excommunicated from the church and branded a heretic, having nowhere else to go Rias took me in" she answers "I assume Irina doesn't know" i say "No, no she doesn't" she tells me "Good, now if you'll excuse me i must take my leave" i tell her "Where are you going to go?" She questions "I don't know" i answer walking away "You could stay with us" Asia offered "I don't think that would be a good idea" i tell her "C'mon man, who died to make you so moody?" Issei questions "My mother" i answer as he shrinks in fear. 'Y/N, it's better than sleeping on the streets' Guts tells me 'I suppose' i reply.

"*Sigh* if i did stay with you, where would it be?" I ask "It would be at Issei's" Rias tells me "No! There will be a snake in my garden of eden!" He yells "I doubt they will agree to that" i tell her "Don't worry i'll just brainwash them" she replies "That's despicable!" I retort "It'll be nice to have a non-perverted guy around" Koneko states as Issei falls to his knees "Why does the world hate me!" He cries out "Call it Karma for all your actions" i tell him as he cries.


I grovel at my new predicament as i'm now living with the devil, it turns out Issei's house is pratically a mansion. "Sup" Koneko says as she sits next to me on one of the sofas, i pass her a lollipop to which she happily accepts, I've learnt that she has a sweet tooth and she's the only one i get along with mainly cause i mutual hate for Issei (A/N yes i'm making it that she doesn't fall for Iseei, fuck you fight me) "Not much" i tell her leaning back "Sorry about your mum" she says chewing on her sweet "Don't be, it was my fault" i admit as she flinches "How so?" She questions tilting her head "I killed a Fallen angel and took his sacred gear to keep it away from them, and someone came looking for it... she didn't know anything..." i explain leaning forward and covering my face with my left hand. I felt her rub my back in sympathy "It's not you fault" she tells me as it feels like a weight is lifted off my shoulders. She stopped rubbing my back as i looked at her and gave a her a small smile.

"I have a proposition for you" i tell her "What?" She asks "If you can lift my sword, i'll buy you a weeks worth of chocolate" i offer as her face remains stoic but her eyes light up "Deal" she tells me quickly, i summon the Dragonslayer and place it on the ground. She goes over to the handle and grabs it, she tries to lift it as her arms shake as they blade raises slightly and look over to her and see her getting frustrated. Suddenly cat ears pop out of her head and a white cat tail pops out her back as she lifts the sword shakily "You did it" i say as she struggles to keep it up high "... help..." She forces out as i walk over and grab the handle, she lets go and her hands fall to her knees and she starts panting.

"Koneko err, you..." i say pointing to my head as she looks at me and realizes she has cat ears and quickly covers them. "What's up with those... cat appendages?" I question "Its... well... can i trust you?" She asks nervously "Sure, i trust you" i tell her de-summoning the Dragonslayer. "Well i'm a Nekomata" she informs me "My sister and I were being taken care of and taught sage arts, when she used it, it drove her crazy and she killed our master. Thats when Rias found me" she finished "I don't care if you are a Nekomata" i tell her as she looks at me in shock "Your my friend and the only devil i trust!" I explain as i sit back down on the sofa. She walks over and sits next to me, she then leans down and rests her head on my lap! "K-koneko, I'm flattered but i-i'm engaged" i tell her as she nuzzles her head "I'm just sleeping, nothing more, nothing less" she says before yawning. "Koneko, your ears and tail is still out" I tell her just barely above a whisper as they retract back into her. "You owe me chocolate" she tells me as i chuckle slightly.

(Lemme know what you think, also if you want to add Koneko to the relationship let me know)

The Berzerker Human - Highschool DxD x Male Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now