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I looked up at the thick trees, come on, one more step. I tilted my head to the side and took that step only for a force to pull me forward.

"Ah!" I yelled and yell head first into a dark cave. I sat up with a groan, and looked around the dark cave. It looked empty and it felt cold and dark.

Hello, Linus... Someone spoke to me through the darkness.

"Whose there?" I asked the mysterious voice and it chuckled. Then I saw the darkness fade, it seemed to be gathering a foot away from me. The cave was actually bright and it smelled of wet sand. Then a figure formed from the gathering darkness. He was handsome and his eyes were pitch black.

"Hi," the man said. His hair was all black and shoulder length, his pitch black eyes began to dull and the black seeped into his pupil, then I see his eyes were a startling blue.

"Who are you?" He smiled so warmly, I found myself calming down.

"I'm not a who, but a what, " I tilted my head in confusion. He flickered his tongue out to his lip and smiled. "But I guess you can call me Elijah," his eyes flickered pitch black then blue again.


"Hmmm," he hummed and  sat down,cross legged, he motioned in front of him, "Why don't you join me?" I looked behind me to see a wall. "Don't worry, we won't be long."

I gave a very skeptical look before sitting down across from him, there was a lot of space between us and he rolled his eyes before getting so close that our knees were touching.

"Someone has never heard of personal space." I commented to which he only smirked.

"Someone hasn't changed." I gave him a weird look which was mean wondering why he would say that, as though he has known me forever which wouldn't be a long time considering I was still only 16.

"Right," I said to him. "What exactly is going on here?"

"I'm about to tell you something big." I turned my head to the side.

"Uh, may I ask why?"

"Because you happened to actually feel my presence here."

"What does that mean exactly?" I asked with a nervous laugh. He leaned forward.

"It mean, that you and I have a lot in common." I wanted to stand up, I wanted to run because I didn't know what was happening or why it was happening.

"Uhm, like what?" I asked with wide weirded out eyes. He only smirked before his hands held onto my arms.

"There is just something about taking magical essence that makes us who we are." He said mysteriously.

"Wait, wha-" I gasped my eyes flying wide open as my head fell back and the world around me fell back. I saw things, things that I would never un-see, and I felt things that I hated to know I could feel.

Elijah was smiling rather darkly before a mass of bodies, dead bodies. He had drained them of their souls along with the magical essence that made them. Each and every shrivelled up corpse he stepped on had been someone he had known at one point or another. They were werewolves, vampires and every kind of shifter known to exist.

They were all dead, and he had killed them. He grinned at the sounds of screams, of yells of help. He closed his eyes and relished in the smell of pain and grief. The humans he maimed were crawling away in pain, trying to escape, hoping they had enough strength to save themselves.

"You will all know pain," Elijah whispered as he looked around himself, his eyes pitch black. "You will all feel my wrath." He sounded insane, batshit crazy and loving it. He was dark and completely in control.

I gasped and fell to the ground in a spasm. My body felt cold and empty, I convulsed as my eyes fixed on the cave wall which looked as though it were starting to chip away like paint.

"You can warn whomever you want." I heard Elijah in the backgrounds. "It will not stop me."

I was gasping as my eyes fluttered shut, I went into a dream, a memory of one of my more happier moments, when things were normal and I had nothing more to worry about that making a good impression.

Gabriel was smiling that smile that made me want to melt into a puddle of soft euphoric Linus liquid. We were in our secret hide out I had found out wasn't so secret considering Xavier has admitted to being here often with his mother growing up.

"I can't believe you would have such a dream."

"Why is that?" I ask with a pout.

"You hate snakes." I rolled my eyes then as I continued to draw in the wet sand.

"I know that, but, this one was...different." I was perplexed as I thought of my dream. It didn't really make sense and it was out of the blue. I had basically seen this huge black snake in a field of green grass and I had been so happy to see it in that moment. I had ran over to it and funnily enough, I had embraced it. I woke before anything else happened.

"That's ridiculous, no snake is different." I pouted as he came to sit beside me.

"I'm telling you." He sighed and laid his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay,okay, your dream snake has potential," then I jumped back as Gabriel held his hand up which had a small baby snake. I crawled away with a gasp.

"The hell!" Gabriel chuckled and allowed the snake to move around between his hands.

"I thought you were developing a liking!" I scowled at my crush and shook my head.

"Unbelievable!" I told him and he smirked. "It was a dream, why you have to make things difficult." He looked st me from the corner of his eye and set the snake down. It slithered away into the water.

"If your dream means something," he said suddenly very serious, "try to get over your disliked of snakes." His eyes were worried and sad. "At least a tolerance." I furrowed my brows and got closer to him and he smiled.

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't know," he shrugged and looked off at the water. "Being Caster's, it kind if feels like there's a reason we are here right now... Don't you think? I feel like something big is about to happen."

I stared at him for a moment and wondered where all this talk was coming from. I blinked and stared at him longer, this beautiful boy, when will he realize how smitten he had me?

4.The Serpent's Caster (ManxBoy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz