Chapter 2: I'm not delusional.

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"Harry, don't freak out, don't freak out. PLEASE." I begged, in a whispering voice.

He stood back and looked more frightened than a kid about to go on their first roller coaster ride.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my bathroom!?" He whispered back.

"My name is Rose. I'm not a fan, Im just a person that's here to help you."

He shook his head. "No. No. No. You are a person that just came out of my bathroom. That's what you are."

"I'm not a fan, Harry." I rolled my eyes. "Why would I-" Then I stopped myself. Telling him off was not my mission.

"Just tell me what you want. I'll give you and autograph and then im going to ask you to leave." He stared at me.

"Listen, I dont want an autograph."

"Then tell me one good reason why I shouldnt call security."

I tapped my foot and rubbed my temples. "My job is simple. Im here to deliver a message."

"Whats that?"

"There is someone at this concert who is here to hurt you. They are armed and security wont believe me."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to come with me."

There was a long pause. I thought he was processing it all, but instead I heard him burst out into laughter.

"Alright, Ive played this game for long enough. You're telling me, that I should go with you, a person who just came out of my bathroom for crying out loud, because someone is here to hurt me."

I crossed my arms. Who knew this Harry Styles guy could be a real jerk. The only attractive thing about him was his looks. His personality? Not so much. I was getting angry.

"Don't believe me?"

"Frankly, I don't." He scoffed.

In my anger, I decided to pull out the time machine. My parents had always told me to keep it a secret, but i didn't care. Plus time was going by in the future and we didn't have time to stand here and argue. As long as Harry was still in front of me in the past, I knew he was still alive in the future.

"See this?" I said, pointing to the phone.

"It's a cell phone."

"No, it's not. It's a time machine. Long story short, my parents are really smart, they made it, you are about to get shot in about and hour and maybe die. Now i'm here to save your life."

His eyes went wide, and he stared at me.

"You're lucky you're pretty, otherwise I would've already called security, but unfortunately i'm not attracted to delusional people."

That jerk! Well..... he did call me pretty.... but, no wait! He called me delusional.

"Security!" Harry went and opened the door, while shouting down the hall. I panicked. Then and idea popped into my head. I rushed over to pick up a vase of flowers on the vanity, and smashed it on the ground.

"What are you doing ?!" He asked.

I heard security rushing down the hall, closer to the dressing room we were standing in.

I ran over and grabbed his hand. I expected him to struggle, but he didn't let go. I pressed a button on the time machine and we went back one minute.

"Security!" Harry continued to yell, thinking he was still a minute ahead.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up."

"You are going to pay for that vase, you know that?"

Then I smiled. I walked over to the vanity, where the vase sat, unbroken.

"What vase?"

"The one you-" Then he stopped, crossed his eyebrows, and turned away from me. I sat on the vanity and smiled, smelling the flowers that were in it.

Right where he was, he sat down on the ground, and pulled his knees up to his chest.

"Did we just-" He slowly whispered.

"Yeah we did."

"Oh." He nodded, staring into nowhere.

"Im not delusional."


So how was that for chapter 2 !? You can thank ALEX and her awesome writing skills. We might update tomorrow..or not. We don't really have a posting schedule worked out LOL. We just got excited and decided to update :-) Comment? Vote? SPREAD DA WORD <3


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