Deep inside you love, deep inside you love.

''I have done enough stretching,'' I announced freely, and stood up.

''Oh, but we just started.'' Judy said, she was still sitting on the ground.

''My body is ready,'' I lied.

''Well, then we can move on to the first warming-up.''

Harry reached out a bottle of water, and I ran towards him. I grasped it out of his hand, and drank from it.

''What do you think about my music taste?'' Harry asked me smoothly.

''Awful,'' I remarked and handed him the bottle. ''You're already the boss, you don't need to control the music. Besides that, you could have thought about more suitable music.'' I added angrily.

''This is just the beginning,'' Harry said, and I walked away.

Judy cleaned her forehead with a white towel, and informed me that this song would go a bit faster. But we would still do some parts with stretching, since she thought I wasn't warm enough.

Well woman, I was sweating on the in and outside.

I showed Harry my middle finger when Judy wasn't looking. He laughed silently at me, and shot a quick wink. Perchance, I should kick his brain out and rip those irritatingly beautiful emerald eyes out of his face.

3 in the morning, you know I'm horny. So why don't you come over to my place? Put a smile on my face.

The routine was absolutely lovely to dance. However, the song was just a bit less exciting. Judy was very talented, even at the age of 37. This woman owned a better trained body than I. I, most definitely, needed to work out more. I was praying silently to hear another song.

You already know what time it is. Reach up in the dresser where them condoms is. And baby, when I get it, I'll never let it go. Gonna take it slow

I wondered what Judy thought about Harry's choice of music. Obviously she needed to get paid very well, would she do these kind of dances.

I didn't need to think twice to understand that this was a god damned indirect to me. Sometimes I could see Harry sitting there enjoying the whole show. I just wanted to go further with the routine for the real show than this utter crap. I knew if there would come a new early training for me, it was mostly for Harry's pleasure.

When you leavin' the club. I just want you to come over, girl

Finally the song was over, and I could start with the rehearsals for the show. But when I thought I could lock eyes with Harry again, he was suddenly gone. I didn't know where he was right now, but I was slightly hoping to get a cheeky remark or something else from him.

''We're going further with were we left off yesterday,'' Judy said, and she clapped loudly in her hands. ''As you know the theme is Black Friday, so we have a particular new dance. Since it's the start of a new season here at the Moulin Rouge, we need to leave a mark. So Mr. Styles came up with the idea to make it extra sexual this time. Are you okay with that?''

''I wouldn't have wanted it any other way,'' I lied.

''Well, let's start then.''


Finally, I had a break, and I couldn't wait to head home and clean this body. I had so many things to do; groceries, get some gas, and clean up the apartment. It was a task to even start with cleaning my messy apartment, by cause of everything I had to do.

Lush Seduction (Moulin Rouge) | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now