chapter 8: the date

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I turned to see the team come. I was still spaced out,  thinking of what just happened,  I wonder who was coming for me.  I was raised and trained as a Amazon.  I've known nothing more,  but the planet i came from must of been important.  Maybe I can ask Batman to run a check on starlight later.  Artemis and Megan came up to me " Alex? " They asked. I shook my head " Yes " " are you okay " I smiled lightly yes.  Artemis narrowed her eyes at me " Don't lie " I looked away " It's just something I remember that's all, oh Wally asked me out on a thing called at date" What! " They both shouted,  I looked at them confused.  " Oh we need to get you ready for it,  I heard all the teenage girls loves them.  I want to go on one too" " Wally said you take people you like on them,  maybe we can go on one too Megan,  a date for friends " She threw her hands around me " Yess!! " I laughed at her.  " So you have to dress up for the date? " I asked.  Artemis smacked her forehead with the palm of her hand " I forgot you grew up on an island full of females " I smiled " I wouldn't trade my heritage for anything " They pulled me away.  I ended up trying on a lot of outfits.  Wally texted Artemis to tell her what time he was picking me up. 

( this was the outfit they ended up picking)  I looked at myself in the mirror

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( this was the outfit they ended up picking) 
I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was in a cute braid down the middle of my back,  I also had a dark blue head band on.  I waited for Wally to pick me up.  Artemis and Megan had fun making me dressing me.  Artemis might not seem like it,  but she does have girly side to her.  But for some reason she acts tough in front of everyone. Wally finally shows up,  he walked in.  His eyes widen when he saw me.  " Wow look at you,  you look really beautiful " I smiled,  he called me beautiful.  For some reason that little word made my heart beat speed up.  " Well let's go"

We walked around town " So tell me about your self " I looked at him " What more can I tell you,  you know everything.  But I mean if you must know   I'm not from this planet.  Wonder Woman found me and raised me as her own daughter.  " ' oh, you have a home planet though " I looked down " I'm not sure,  I've never been there and have no memory of it. Mom found me as a infant.  To me Themyscira is my only home.  That's where I was raised.  " I looked at Wally and he smiled at me.  He took me to one of those dinners to get diner.  As we sat there,  my mind still couldn't help to trail to my world " I wonder if Robin or Batman can look up the planet of starlight " I said out loud.  " I can ask Robin"Wally said.  I looked at he,  he was already texting him. Our good came,  as you can guess Wally ate like a pig.  I probably will never get used to him inhaling food like he does.  " Alex,  their food here is so good " He said between mouth full.  I raised my eye brow, I started to laugh " Your still the first person I've met that loves food so much.  " He smiled " You look good laughing, you are a very beautifully girl,  though when I first met you,  and you whooped our butts in the fight.  The walmans pride was hurt.  That's probably why I started being mean to you" I rested my hand on his shoulder and did the solider bash on my chest " Of course your pride would be hurt.  You just started training,  I've been training my whole life with elite female warriors " He rolled his eyes " Yes I get the difference in our fighting level.  " His phone went off " Oh Robin texted back " I looked at him.  " Robin said the planet of starlight was destroyed by one of its princesses.  " My eyes widen " It was queen crystalis sister,  she got jealous when her sister the queen gave birth to a princess with a unusual power.  So she destroyed the planet when the queen wouldn't make her crown princess,  the next inline for the throne.  " " Did he say what power the princess was born with " Wally scanned his phone " The power of the planet.  She can use the starlight power.  Robin says it's a deadly power from what he read.  The starlight power allows the person to never run out of energy.  The beams she will shoot is like getting blasted from the sun on that planet.  Man I would not like to get on her bad side. So why did you want to know about the planet of star light " " I heard the name of it and wanted to find out about it " I hated to lie to him but right now I don't even know who I am or what's going on.  Now I have to worry about my aunt coming to find me,  if she comes to earth we are in trouble,  all because of me.  I will have to go see my mother and talk to her with what I found out. Wally walked me home back to the base.  As we stood outside " Well I enjoyed the date " He said,  his hands in his pocket. " I did too" I said.  Megan told me to kiss his cheek at the end of the date.  So I leaned forward and pressed my lips to the side of his cheek, I could feel his skin heat up,  when I stepped back.  His face was bright red " Good night Wally" He smiled " Good night Alex" I headed inside to go to bed. 

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