chapter 7:back again

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I took a deep breath, I really didn't want to face wally. I decided to take the outfit grandma gave me and put it on. Mother came up to me " Alexandria, it looks perfect on you " I smiled looking down " You think? It reveals so much skin though " My mom laughed " Yes but it's easy to fight in" I sighed " I guess. " I went to go say good bye to grandma, before I left.

We teleported back to the base. I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach. We arrived back at base. It was night time. I sighed. I sat by the window. My mom came over to me " Alexandria what is wrong? " " Mom, I think I like Wally, but I don't think he likes me. He always calls Megan and Artemis beautiful, but never truly told me I was. But then he gets mad when some other guy flirts with me. I don't know what to do. Sometimes I wish I just stayed on themyscira. " She looked at me " This world is different than our own Alexandria. It will take time to get used to it. In time you will learn everything. But who knows maybe Wally likes you too " I sighed, shaking my head " I doubt it, he said I was annoying, well I'm heading to bed. "

I was heading to bed when Megan saw me " Welcome back Alex, I was so scared you weren't coming back " She hugged me. I went to go hug her back, then notice she was crying. I hugged her super tight " Don't worry I'm here, I won't leave " " Good " She said as she smiled.

Morning came to fast. I got up, I got ready for school. I decided to do a messy bun, shorts with a long sleeve top, flip flops. These weird shoes weren't the most comfortable. Megan showed me how to do make up, so I did my own. I went to school. I went to class. Wally was passed out at his desk. I sighed, this idiot. I sat in my seat. I looked at him, I still couldn't believe what he said to me. I don't understand why he treated me like that. The guy that sits next to me came in " Oh beautiful, your here to day " I looked at him " Yeah " The lesson went on. " The idiot is asleep again" The teacher slammed something on Wally's desk yet again. He jumped up" Did I miss something important " " We are about to do group project, your partner is ms prince" Wally froze and turned around and locked eyes with me. He just stared " Can I help you? " His
Green eyes bore into mine. " I'm sorry for the way I acted, after you left. Artemis gave me a ear full. " My eyes widen, he apologized to me. I was so happy. " Um you said I was the first male you took notice in, is that true? ?" He rubbed the back of his head , looking down. I smiled " Yes that's true" He looked at me " Man I so mess up things. " He said fretting I laughed. I was on happy, I thought it was going to turn out to be different and that he was going to be so mad. I think do like him truly. I get this happy bright feeling when I see him. " Well this is the first time a girl actually liked me. " Artemis taught me the eye brow raising. So I raised my eye brow " Really? You always act like every girl likes you. " He rubbed the back of his head " Yeah no, no one ever pays attention to me. The girls always brush me away, I've gotten used to it " " Well I'm pretty sure the feeling I feel for you is that I like you. I've never had this feeling before. This is tee first time. Cause you know remote island, no male's on it. " He looked me, a red tint was on his cheek " Well how about a date? " I looked at him" What's a date? " He laughed. " It's where you go spend time with the person you like " I looked at him " That sounds fun. " I beamed at him. I took full notice of his red hair and green eyes. I can't wait to tell Megan and Artemis about this date. To be able to spend a, day with wally like that, it will be fun to get to know more about him. Wally turned to finish class. Finally the bell sounded through the class.

I got back to the base, I couldn't wait to tell someone Wally asked me on a date. I stood at the window looking at the city, I guess I can belong in this world as well. All of a sudden my vision goes black. Everything was black around me, I felt like I was floating. " Listen to me, she is coming for you " " Who is this" " You've grown so much, I am the last bit of memory of your birth mother. She will hunt you down, you have a power that none of us has heard of before. " " A power? " " She destroyed our home" " Our home? " "Yes the planet of starlight"

I opened my eyes, was that a dream? What was that. Maybe I was so excited about the date that I worked my self up and caused me to black out. Mom always told me I'm not from this planet but never knew which one I came from. I sighed it, the zeta tubs went off, the team just came in

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