chapter 1

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I sighed as I wanted a good challenge. I loved my homeland, Themyscira. But growing up with the same girls, I
learned their fighting styles. Princess Diana found me, when I was a baby. She adopted me. She has trained me since
I started walking. Now with her helping this group called the justice league. She hasn't been home lately.

I walked over to the training arena. I saw my child hood friend, alexia. " Alexia, sister. How come your not training?" Alexia smiled at me " princess Alexandra, life does not always consist of training. You got to enjoy life to the fullest. Embrace life " I smiled " you talk like an old philosopher " She lightly slapped my shoulder. I laughed. " Alexia I want to go see my mother. I know she is powerful and with a team of super heroes. But she is still my mother and I worry about her" I heard someone clear their throat behind us. We turn to see queen Hippolyta. " Alexandra, if you want to see her that bad, you should of told me" " grandma, I just didn't want to sound weak. I was brought up to be a warrior. But I don't know what I'd do it anything happened to my mother." I bowed my head. " oh my dear beautiful child. Everyone misses people. I miss your mother as well" I smiled " my do you remind me of Diana when she was your age. She to started her path by adventuring out to the men's world. I remember when she brought you home with her. She wanted to raise you. She wanted you to be able to defend for yourself. She pictured your life before her eyes. You were a child she thought was given to her by fate " " grandma, thank you" " don't thank me just yet, here take this amulet. it will take you to your mother" I hugged her and alexia " I will miss you guys" I put the amulet on.

I was flashed to a city that had very tall buildings. People stared at me and started
whispering. I looked down to see that I forgot I had on, one of my mothers old costume. I guess I do look like her in some way. I had long black wavy hair that went to my lower back. I had bright electric blue eyes. I might of been raised by the amazons, but that doesn't mean I was one by blood. Even the girls at home, had always told me of my beauty. My beauty could bring any man to their knees, my grandma told me before. But this is my first time to see men and the men's world that my grand mother talks about.

I looked up at the sun, so this is what my mothers feels like when she comes here. I feel freedom. I sat down cross legged. I tried to sense my mother, but I felt some weird aura. So I decided to check it out. I got up and flew to where it was. I was passing a signing that said welcome to happy harbor. People gasped at me " is that wonder women?" " is it her protégée?" " she sure is beautiful" I landed in front of mountain. I found the entrance. I walked inside. I rounded the corner to see a lot of people. They were talking and laughing. They stopped until they saw me. " hey what are you doing in here?" said a boy that was short, he looked about 13. I didn't answer. I stood in defense mod. I wasn't sure what these little men would do to me. The girls seemed different from the kind I know. Many girls now a days don't know how to fight and fling themselves on the men for attention. Mother told me that happened in front of her before. They really didn't like the whole defense mod. They started charging at me. I mentally sighed, This is why grand mother wouldn't let me come to the outside world until I was old enough. People here are stupid. I stood my ground, a alarm went off. I punched some guy who was in a yellow suit in the face. I did a back flip and round kicked a girl who was green. A girl with blonde hair, raised her bow at me and shot an arrow at me. I reflected it with my gauntlets. They were pretty strong of a group. Most of them looked around my age, which was 16. " who is this chick?" the little speeder said. " I don't know, but she's asking for it " said a guy that was tall. He had black hair and a black shirt that had an S on it. He grabbed me and went to go throw me. I grabbed his wrist, and flung him across the room. They started to attack at the same time. I snapped and something dark inside of me came out. All of a sudden I heard a voice.
" wonder woman 3"
" superman 1"
" batman 2"
" flash 4"
" aqua man 6"
"Martian man hunter 7"
"green arrow 8"
"black canary 13"
I looked over to see these people stand in front of me. It didn't look good, The kids I just fought were laying on the floor. Some were pretty badly injured. Others were to sore to move. I had the guy with the black shirt in an arm lock. Wonder woman stepped up, when she saw me her eyes widen " Alexandra?" Everyone stared at me " eh hello mother" I said rubbing the back of my head.

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