chapter 3

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I was nervous, I've never been to this thing called a high school. I entered the school, I was told to look for a sign called office. I seen it. As I opened the door, a lady at a desk looked up " can I help you " " hello, I'm the new transfer student" I tried to remember what my fake name was " Susan green." " Ah, here is your schedule for your classes. Get ready the dance is tonight. " I smiled " I'm excited for a dance, never been to one" she looked shocked " your parents must isolated you " " you can say something like that "


I headed down the hallway. I looked for this thing called a room 208. As I found it, a woman was standing at the front of the room, while everyone else was in seats. I entered the room, she looked at me ", Robby raise your hand. You will sit next to him " I followed where the guy raised his hand. I sat in the desk next to him. He smiled " hello hot stuff" I looked at him, why is he talking to me like that " hello fellow company" he looked at me strange" you sure do talk weird." " So do you. What is this hot stuff you talked about" he looked shocked and taken back . I looked back to the front. I couldn't under stand at all all what this lady was saying. I looked at my paper for classes. As the day went by,  I wonder what everyone was doing back at the headquarters. Is all missions like this? This world is so different from mine. So many laws, and rules. I can't go walking out in public it my outfits from home. I looked down to the my clothes. I'm wearing jeans, a cropped shirt with an tank top under it . I'm wearing these things called sneakers on my feet. This outfit would be hard to fight in. I sighed, finally the day was over with. I went to the hotel room Batman and my mother rented for me. As I got ready for the dance, there was a knock on my door . I opened it and there stood a woman " hello, Bruce Wayne told me come here to do your make up and hair for your dance" I nodded, not knowing who Bruce Wayne was. She did my hair and make up. I stared at myself in the mirror when she was done . My eyes widen as I touched my face, was that really me. I looked breath taking. 

I got the school, I went to the gym for the dance. The dress I wore, was like an actual princess dress from the fairy tales I read as a child . It light blue, to me it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. As I was walking, people were whispering, looking St me. I entered the gym, looked around the gym to see if anything was going in. There was people there dancing in the middle of the floor. I never danced before in my life. It kinda looked fun. I put on a mask and slipped out. I went outside to see if I could spot the gang I was after. As I stood on top of the school, I spotted movement towards the back . I saw a group holding guns. I snuck closer. " Everything is all set" " good" "let's go" I put my gauntlets on. I stepped behind one of the guys, I hit him in the back of the neck , knocking him out . This was the real mission, I cant fail. If I do, I get sent back home. I had to take them out before anyone in the school found out about them. I went behind the next one . I slipped my hand over his mouth as I kneed him in the stomach. He fell down. I continued this until there was one left. I snuck up but he turned around and saw me. Before he could shout. I ran up to him and kicked him. He flew back wards. I grabbed him, then did move I learned from black Canary, I upper cut him. He was done for. I sighed. I signaled for Batman to come. I took off my mask, and sat down. Soon Batman, wonder woman and superman came. Wonder woman came up and hugged me " look at you, your stunning" Superman put his hand on my shoulder " good job" Batman nodded " your on the team, you pass" I smiled . 

I got back to headquarters, I forgot I was still dressed up . As I entered, everyone was watching TV. They all looked up. I seen Wally's mouth drop. Megan came up to me " wow look at you " " you look good" Superboy said with a tint of pink on his face. " Why is your face tinted pink?" I asked, it went to a red tint. " It's called blushing" Robin said . " Okay" I nodded " I have no clue what that is" " really" Wally asked. " Hello, grew up on a remote island with women" " oh yeah, sorry . " " But you do look beautiful" Wally said looking away. I smiled. Artemis put her arm around my shoulder " I think Baywatch over there is crushing on the girl that gave him a good ass whopping" Wally whipped around " I am not . Will you knock it off" I laughed. This was my team, it was fun being with them. 

The next day I woke up and went into the kitchen. Everyone had to go to school. I sat around bored by myself. I sighed, I wanted to do something. I started to train like I did on themyscira. I truly missed my sister's. I decided to go look around keystone city. I remembered to put my hair up in this think called a messy bun that megan taught me to do , and to put glasses on. I walked around the city. From the corner of my eyes I seen a red strick. I stuck my hand out and grabbed the back of an uniform. To my surprise, there was a man I seen on my first day visiting, he came in with Mom and everyone. He looked at me " um hello" " hello fellow solider, I am wonder girl" his eyes widen " what are you doing here . Shouldn't you been in happy harbor?" " I got bored so I decided to go walk around" " can you let me go " I realize I still had him, I left him go . " Hold on a second " he said. Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned to see a blind man " let me give you a tour of keystone city" I nodded " okay." " I'm known as the flash, but in my street clothes, I am called Barry Allen" " berry, it kinda suits you. I like the name" he smiled " thanks, Wally should be getting out of school soon. " " How did you meet Wally" he scratched the back of his head " he's my nephew. So wonder woman is your mother. I never pinned her to have a child." I looked down " she's not my birth mother. Diana found me and took me in raised me like I was her flesh and blood . I have no idea who my birth parent's are. If you noticed I don't look like a Amazon, my skin is to light" berry looked at me " have you ever wondered who your parents were. " " Sometimes, I always wondered why they didn't want me. But I'm thankful for Diana. I love themyscira and everyone there. I don't  ever wish for another life where I knew my birth parent's. This is my life, I am proud of who I am." Barry nodded. He showed me around the city. His phone started to ring he answered " hey it's." " Yes I'll be home soon" he hung up " well I got to go" I smiled " it was nice talking to someone " he smiled  " I'll see you around" he ran off . ​​​​​​I wondered what it was like to have a loved one. I know you have to get along with a guy first. The only guy I ever really talk to and get along with is Wally. I do think he is good looking, for a younger version of a man. I sighed, I still don't understand this.

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