26. Option and Decision

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I lived my life as if I had moved on from everything. I returned to the city again over the weekend just to visit my best friend, Fern. She had given birth to a handsome baby boy. Fern had sent me his pictures when I was still at the school. He resembles her much.

"Pie?" Fern's voice snapped my reverie. I turned around and found her approaching towards direction. There was a glint of suspicious in her look. She might have observing me for a quite some time.

"Are you alright?" She queried, placing the entire weight onto my shoulders as she clung her hands around me. She took a peek inside the cradle. Her sweet little baby is sleeping soundly.

"Yeah..." I replied almost nonchalantly. "He looks a lot like you and a little combination of Mario. Your genes dominated everything!" I commented just to steer a conversation.

"Well he's my son. I carried her for nine months just to look like Mario? Hell no way!" Fern jested.

"I might have a baby too if I were married to a guy." It just slipped from my thought. As if everything that I had been saying was too much for Fern to even react, she only stoned there in silence. Her eyes found mine but I ran away my gaze from her. I disliked the connection that she tried to make. Soon, she would not stop babbling at me over the issue.

"I've neither seen Kimhan nor heard about her. Where's she?" Although I could anticipate that sooner or later she would be asking about my spouse's whereabouts, it still surprised me that she noticed the absence of Kimhan in my life.

"She's still much alive for sure." I answered it short. "We're good."

"You're the worst liar, Pie. C'mon, Puey told me that you two have been living separately for five months? That doesn't sound good to me? What happened to you?" Fern asked, pressing both of her hands to her chest in a gesture like a stern mother who demand an explanation from her teenage daughter. I was caught; cursed Puey for divulging the secret. It was not supposed to be known by Fern. We promised to keep it safe between us.

"We're seeking for a divorce by mutual consent." I answered her brief enough without further intention to elaborate. This month would be the ninth month of our marriage. Throughout the period, I could tell that we failed to establish a mutual understanding between the two of us. Nevertheless, there's one thing that we agreed of; to file for divorce by mutual consent. It came to our knowledge that a divorce proceeding for mutual consent usually takes up to 6 to 18 months. However, due to some unfulfilled conditions, we could not seek for the divorce immediately. Special Marriage Acts have stated that the spouse needed to stay separate and apart from each other for a minimum one year before filing the Mutual Consent Divorce. Living 'separate and apart' does not necessarily mean that we have to live in separate places. It just meant that we must stop fulfilling the duties and responsibilities as spouse. I guessed we had accomplished half part of it. I have never seen Kimhan for almost half of a year. Anyhow, did we ever make the marriage as how it supposed to be? I'd tell that it's not.

"Is that so? How sure you are about it?" She arched up her eyebrows in questioning gesture.

"I'm hundred per cent certain about the decision. There's no way of going back." I would not give it a second thought. What has been said must be done.

"You haven't file for the divorce yet, Pie. How would you know if there will be a plot twist in between it?" Fern provoked. Her voice had startled her baby. Fern soothed him and he went back to sleep a moment later. Done with that, she dragged me out of the room.

"You know nothing Fern." I sighed, knowing that it might offend Fern's feeling.

"That's because you didn't tell me. How could you do that to your best friend?" There she went with her sulking and drama.

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